
Glossary / Lexicon

What is a press folder?

03/07/2023 | By: FDS

A press kit (also called a press folder) is a collection of information, materials, and documents provided by companies, organizations, or individuals for journalists and media representatives to inform them about a specific event, product, or topic. A press kit can be provided as a physical or digital folder and usually contains various materials such as press releases, background information, photos, videos, infographics, biographies, testimonials, quotes from experts, and contact information.

The information and materials in the press kit are designed to make it easier for journalists and media representatives to cover the event, product or topic and to quickly find the information they need. A well-designed press kit can help increase visibility and coverage, and increase media exposure and interest. A press kit is often created in advance of press conferences, trade shows, events or important announcements and distributed to journalists and media representatives.

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