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Billions in profits from artificial intelligence - chip manufacturer Nvidia profits from AI boom

09/11/2023 | By: FDS

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced a rapid rise in recent years, fundamentally altering the technological landscape. A crucial factor driving this progress has been specialized chips that deliver the immense computational power required for AI applications. In this regard, Nvidia, a leading chip manufacturer, has positioned itself as a pioneer, achieving billions in profits through its highly specialized chips.

Particularly, the popularity of AI-based chatbots like ChatGPT has significantly propelled the development and proliferation of AI technologies. Millions of people worldwide use these chatbots to generate text and answer questions. This increased demand for AI technologies has prompted companies to integrate AI into a variety of applications, including industry giants like Microsoft and Google.

However, to handle the massive computational requirements of such AI applications, specialized processors are necessary. Nvidia plays a pivotal role in this arena. The company recognized and developed the importance of this technology early on, making it one of the primary beneficiaries of the AI boom.

Nvidia's latest business results speak for themselves. Revenue surged to an impressive $13.5 billion from May to July, doubling compared to the same period the previous year. Profits skyrocketed from $656 million to nearly $6.2 billion, almost a tenfold increase. These impressive figures led to an over eight percent rise in Nvidia's stocks, reaching a new all-time high.

As early as May, Nvidia crossed the trillion-dollar market cap milestone – an achievement propelling the company into the ranks of technology giants like Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google's parent company), and Amazon.

The majority of Nvidia's revenue, over $10 billion or a growth of 171 percent, comes from chip sales for data centers. These chips are the backbone of many AI applications and are crucial for training AI models. The price range for these chips falls between $10,000 and $30,000 per unit, with demand far exceeding supply.

Investors often draw parallels between these processors and the tools used during the Gold Rush nearly 200 years ago – an analogy that underscores the immense potential of the current technological surge. In the tech industry, chip manufacturers are frequently seen as indicators of trend sustainability. Analysts already view Nvidia on par with industry giants like Intel, whose processors led the PC boom of the 1990s.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang goes even further, describing it as a "new era of computing." He envisions a gradual shift from traditional processors to specialized chip architectures for generative Artificial Intelligence in data centers. Huang anticipates that up to $250 billion annually will be invested in data center modernization in the coming years to maintain a leading position in the race for implementing generative AI solutions.

Nvidia's success is no random occurrence. The company recognized early on how powerful graphics chips could accelerate computational operations. This became evident over a decade ago when Nvidia's chips were utilized in early machine learning-based image recognition systems. Today, thanks to continuous research and development, Nvidia holds a market share of over 70 percent in the AI chip sector.

Competition drives innovation, and companies like AMD, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Meta, and IBM are also involved in AI chip development. Nevertheless, Nvidia remains confident and expects revenues to continue rising. A revenue of $16 billion is projected for the current quarter.

Nvidia's impressive success story not only highlights the crucial role of the chip manufacturer in the AI revolution but also demonstrates how technological innovations can profoundly reshape the economy. In a world where AI applications are finding increasingly broad use, Nvidia retains a key role and significantly shapes the course of technological advancement.

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09/08/2023 | By: FDS
In the 35th calendar week, 1,364 new companies were founded in Germany and recorded in the commercial register.
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