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Inflation 6.2%: Inflation Rates and Effects on Different Income Levels

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

Analysis of price developments and their impact on different income groups

Recent inflation rates of 6.2% highlight the economic challenges consumers are facing. However, the impact of inflation is not the same for all income groups. A detailed analysis, which takes into account the weighting of expenses for different categories, shows how different the burden can be depending on the income level.

Housing costs: A significant part of the budget

For incomes of €1500, €2000 and €2500 net, housing costs take up the largest part of the budget, which is weighted at 33%. The costs for rent, mortgages or ancillary costs are therefore decisive for the standard of living. With an income of €1500, the housing costs already account for €495, which represents a significant part of the budget. With higher incomes, this amount increases accordingly.

Transport: increasing mobility costs

The Transportation category, with a weighting of 13%, includes vehicle, fuel and transportation costs. With the recent price hike of 6%, people on lower incomes in particular may feel an increase in mobility costs. With an income of €1500, this corresponds to an additional charge of €11.70 per month.

Food and beverages: Basic needs more expensive

Food and beverage spending (10% weighting) is critical for all income groups. With a price increase of 11% compared to the previous year, consumers can budget for higher expenses for their basic needs. With an income of €1500, this means additional monthly costs of €16.50.

Entertainment and culture: Leisure activities are becoming more expensive

The entertainment, leisure and culture category (11% weighting) also shows price increases of 6%. Spending on activities such as cinema, concerts or sporting events could increase. With an income of €1500, this corresponds to a monthly additional burden of €9.90.

Impact on different income brackets

The above examples illustrate how inflation affects different income brackets. Lower-income people tend to be more affected by price increases because they have to spend a larger proportion of their budget on basic needs. An increase of 6.2% in different categories can result in additional monthly expenses of around €60 for an income of €1500, while the impact is less noticeable for an income of €2500.

It is important to consider these differences in the burden of inflation when policymakers and economists analyze the impact of price increases. Managing inflation and implementing policies to support lower-income households can help offset the financial burden and mitigate social inequalities.

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