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Cost per lead - These B2B click prices will shock you

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

Costs per lead differ depending on the industry, target group and advertising format. It's hard to make a general statement because costs can vary widely. In some cases, ads can cost less than one euro per lead, while other campaigns can cost more than 100 euros per lead.

Cost per lead is usually calculated by the ad network or the ad network through which the ad is served. Ads with a target audience that is very specific may have a higher cost per lead. For example, an ad for a highly specialized B2B software that is only used by a certain type of business may cost more than an advertiser offering a more general product.

Cost per lead also depends on the ad format. Ads delivered to a specific page tend to be more expensive than ads served through social media or search engines. In addition, advertising bonuses or discounts can be offered to lower the cost per lead.

In summary, it's hard to give a shocking cost-per-lead figure because it can vary widely depending on the industry, target audience, and ad format.

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