
News / Blog: #network

Positioning - How to position yourself as an expert in your niche

03/19/2024 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Create unique content: Create good, unique content and share it regularly. Build your own brand by positioning yourself as an expert and creating content with a unique perspective.

2. Publish to multiple media: Publish your content to multiple platforms to reach multiple audiences. Use blogs, social media, podcasts, and videos to expand your audience.

3. Be active: Be active in your niche by participating in discussions, quoting other experts, and sharing your opinion in various forums and social networks.

4. Be visible: Be visible by speaking at conferences, seminars and industry events. Create presentations to demonstrate your expert knowledge and showcase your brand.

5. Networking: make contacts and build relationships with other experts and influencers in your niche. Take every opportunity to showcase your brand and position yourself as an expert.

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Send out press releases - What are the alternatives?

03/11/2024 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Use social media channels: Using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social networks, companies can send news and announcements to a wide audience quickly and inexpensively.

2. Email marketing: email marketing can be an effective and inexpensive way to send press releases. It allows companies to send their news directly to a list of subscribers.

3. Publications in trade journals: publishing a press release in a trade journal allows the company to reach a large audience. Trade journals allow companies to send their message to a specific audience.

4. Press offices: A press office can help a company send its press release to a wide audience. Press offices can also help establish contacts with media representatives and identify appropriate media channels through which to send the press releases.

5. Online press releases: Online press releases allow companies to post their news on a variety of websites to reach a wide audience.

Our alternative: The Media & PR Database 2024.

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Starting your own expert business - How do I find the right niche?

02/27/2024 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Start by analyzing your interests, skills and experience. Make a list of the things you are good at, the things that interest you, and the things you enjoy most.

2. Look for connections between your interests, skills, and experiences. Identify your core competencies and look at what issues and problems you can solve with them.

3. Research areas where your specific skills are in demand. Look at what needs there are in the industry and what niches are not yet filled.

4. Think about what kind of expert you want to be. Decide whether you want to be an online or offline expert and what topics you want to offer.

5. Get a picture of your competition. Which experts offer similar services? What makes you different?

6. Use social media to build a presence and establish your expert status. Be active, network and build a community.

7. Create a business plan. Define clear goals and strategies for your expert business and think about your financial resources.

8. Use your networks to make contacts and publicize your expert business. Build a customer base through word of mouth and referrals.

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New customer acquisition made easy - with these tips to more deals

02/20/2024 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Build your network: Attend events and conferences. Make yourself known at business meetings, trade shows and industry events.

2. Use social media: Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to reach and network with more customers.

3. Provide value: post useful information, content and ideas that help your customers improve their businesses.

4. Establish a customer loyalty program: Offer your customers a loyalty program where they receive special benefits and rewards when they refer more customers.

5. Spread words of mouth: Ask your existing customers to refer new customers. This type of advertising is free and effective.

6. Offer customer discounts: reward your customers with discounts when they refer more customers.

7. Look for new markets: Probe new markets that might offer your products and services.

8. Be creative: think of new, innovative ways to attract new customers.

9. Focus on customer needs: Research customer needs and analyze how your business can meet those needs.

10. Invest in customer relationships: Invest in customer relationships to build customer loyalty.

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Your way to more new customers in the B2B sector

02/16/2024 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Use search engine optimization to optimize your website for relevant keywords.

2. Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience.

3. Create a social media strategy to reach a wide audience.

4. Use newsletter marketing to reach out to potential customers.

5. Use lead generation tools to get more information about potential customers.

6. Create a network of industry peers to get your brand name out there.

7. Be on the lookout for new sales and marketing channels that can help your company attract new customers.

8. Test different advertising strategies and see which works best.

9. Create a customer loyalty program to retain your existing customers and attract new ones.

10. Use online ads to reach a wide audience.

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