
News / Blog: #price

Buy press mailing list - What to consider?

03/21/2024 | By: FDS

When you buy a press distributor, there are some things you need to consider:

1. Understand the different types of press distributors. There are manual press distributors, which are operated by hand, and automatic press distributors, which are operated electrically. Choose the press distributor that best suits your needs.

2. Decide on the right size. Press distributors come in different sizes to fit different types of print jobs. The larger the press manifold, the more print jobs it can handle simultaneously.

3. Pay attention to the quality. Look for press manifolds that are made of high-quality materials. Choose a model that is durable and reliable.

4. Compare the costs. Compare the prices of different press manifolds to make sure you're getting the best value for your money.

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Earn 10000 euros and more per month with a handful of customers - thanks to correct positioning

02/26/2024 | By: FDS

It is possible to earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers if you apply the right positioning. This can be achieved through an effective pricing model and by offering a wide range of services.

The pricing model can be designed to add value to customers and make them feel that they are getting something for their money. This can be done by offering different packages with different prices and services to give customers a wider range of options.

The range of services should be broad so that customers have a wide selection from which to choose. To achieve this, different combinations of the different services can be offered.

To attract more customers, it can also be helpful to launch online campaigns to draw attention to the offer and the company. This can be done by using different social media channels, email marketing and other forms of online advertising to reach more people.

Another important step to attract more customers is to create a stronger brand awareness. This can be done by taking various steps such as creating a website, developing a professional logo, and designing promotional materials that represent the company.

In this way, companies can achieve a positioning that allows them to attract more customers and earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers.

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What do Facebook Ads cost? What click prices you should expect

02/16/2024 | By: FDS
Facebook Ads cost different amounts depending on the target audience, campaign budget, and target definition. The click price for a Facebook ad depends on various factors, including competition for the same audience, the quality of the ad, and relevance to the audience. As a rule, click prices for Facebook ads range from 0.10 to 0.50 euros per click. It's always important to keep in mind that you should spend the entire budget for a campaign not only on the click price, but also on the analysis and optimization of the ad.
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Product Price, Sales, Advertising Costs & Conversion Rate - A Sample Calculation

02/14/2024 | By: FDS

The world of E-commerce is dynamic and constantly evolving. Companies face the challenge of not only successfully selling their products but also maximizing the efficiency of their marketing efforts. In this article, we take a closer look at the interplay between product price, revenue, advertising costs, and conversion rate through an example calculation.

Product Price as a Starting Point

The product price is a crucial factor for the success of an E-commerce business. It should not only cover production costs but also ensure a reasonable profit for the company. Let's assume a company sells a product for $50.

Revenue as a Measure of Success

Revenue is the cornerstone of every business. It is derived from the number of products sold multiplied by the product price. In our example, with a selling price of $50 and the sale of 100 products, the company achieves revenue of $5000.

Advertising Costs as an Investment

To generate revenue, effective marketing is essential. This is where advertising costs come into play. Assuming the company spends $1000 on online advertising, these costs need to be considered in relation to revenue to assess the profitability of the advertising investment.

Conversion Rate as a Success Indicator

The conversion rate measures the percentage of website visitors who actually become customers. Assuming the company's website has a conversion rate of 2%, meaning 2 customers for every 100 visitors, this directly influences revenue.

The Example Calculation

  1. Revenue: 100 products * $50 = $5000
  2. Advertising Costs: $1000
  3. Conversion Rate: 2%

Now we can calculate the profitability of advertising expenses:

Revenue per Visitor: $5000 / 100 visitors = $50/visitor

Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS): Revenue / Advertising Costs = $5000 / $1000 = 5

A ROAS of 5 means that for every dollar invested in advertising, $5 in revenue is generated.


The example calculation illustrates the importance of a balanced relationship between product price, revenue, advertising costs, and conversion rate. An appropriate product price coupled with effective conversion rate optimization can increase revenue and maximize the profitability of advertising investments.

Companies should continually analyze these metrics and adjust their strategies accordingly to remain competitive in the ever-changing E-commerce market.

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Handling objections - solving objections for more deals

02/01/2024 | By: FDS

Handling objections in a sales conversation is an essential part of a successful sales process. The salesperson must be able to resolve objections from the customer before they can close the deal. Objections are a natural part of the sales process as the customer tries to get a better price or a better product. It is therefore important that the salesperson has a strategy to handle objections professionally and resolve them in his or her favor.

Objection handling in a sales call starts with immigration recognition. The salesperson must recognize and understand the customer's objection in order to resolve it. To recognize the objection, the salesperson must listen carefully and pay attention to the customer's nonverbal communication. The salesperson must also be willing to ask questions to obtain more information and clarify the objection.

After the salesperson has identified the objection, he or she can begin to address the objection. To resolve an objection, the salesperson must offer a solution that meets the customer's needs. To do this, he must develop an understanding of why the objection exists and how to resolve it. The salesperson must convince the customer that the solution he offers is to his advantage.

Objection handling in a sales conversation also requires that the salesperson have an appropriate and professional response to objections from the customer. This includes the salesperson never being aggressive or rude. The salesperson also does not need to engage in a heated discussion, but instead should try to resolve the objection without arguing.

Handling objections in a sales call is an important part of a successful sales process. The salesperson must be able to recognize, understand, and resolve customer objections in order to achieve a successful close. The salesperson must respond professionally and appropriately to customer objections and offer a solution that meets the customer's needs to achieve a positive outcome.

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