
News / Blog: #price

Achieve more sales with fewer customers - How you can push through higher prices

01/17/2024 | By: FDS

1. Define your value: before you try to impose higher prices, you need to be clear about what you offer and how you add value to your customers. Think about what you offer that others can't and why customers should choose your service or product.

2. Offer high-value services: If you want to push through a higher price, you need to make sure you are offering high quality services. Make sure you deliver the best quality possible and that your customers get real value for their money.

3. Offer customer service: Good customer service is crucial for many customers. Make sure you deliver quick responses to inquiries and complaints and provide a positive experience for your customers.

4. Build a strong brand: A strong brand will help you push through higher prices. Invest in creating a unique brand that your customers will recognize and trust.

5. Be creative: Think about how you can provide your customers with a value-added experience that not only increases your sales, but also provides real value to them. Be creative and think of new ways to help your customers.

6. Create a pricing strategy: define your pricing strategy and make it clear how you will determine your price and why that price is appropriate. If you can explain to your customers why your product or service is worth a higher price, you will be able to push through higher prices more easily.

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What are the biggest exit mistakes?

12/14/2023 | By: FDS

1. Underestimation of the sales process: many entrepreneurs underestimate the effort and complexity of a sale. Selling a business is a complex process that requires a lot of time, know-how and patience.

2. Wrong pricing: a too high or too low sales price can reduce the value of the company, so that the transaction does not lead to an adequate return for the seller.

3. Inadequate preparation: a successful sale requires thorough preparation before the sales process begins. This includes a comprehensive review of the business to determine the true values of the business and to ensure that all important documentation and information is in place.

4. Not staying consistent: If the seller does not remain consistent and is not firm on pricing or other important issues, it can delay the sale process and diminish the value of the business.

5. Inadequate public relations: effective public relations is an essential part of the sales process. A business owner must ensure that potential buyers are informed about the sale in order to create a competitive market.

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Contract for work or contract for services - What is the difference?

12/01/2023 | By: FDS
A contract for work is a contract between two parties in which one party (the client) commissions another party (the contractor) to carry out a specific project at a specific price and at a specific time. The contractor is usually responsible for the performance of the work, the quality of the result, and compliance with the agreed schedule. A service contract is a contract between two parties in which one party (the employer) obligates another party (the employee) to perform specified work for a specified period of time in exchange for agreed-upon compensation. The employee is usually responsible for performing the work and keeping to the agreed schedule.
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Agency comparison - Find and compare agencies now

11/13/2023 | By: FDS

Are you looking for an agency for your company? With our agency comparison, you can quickly and easily find the right agency for your purposes. We offer you a wide selection of agencies from different areas like web design, SEO, app development, digital marketing and many more.

Our database contains many agencies from different countries and regions. With our search and filter functions, you can narrow down the results according to your needs. Take your time and compare agency profiles to make the best choice for your business.

We also offer you the possibility to compare agency profiles directly. Simply select two or more profiles and compare prices, services, experience and other factors. This way you can be sure that you have found the right agency for your business.

Try our agency comparison now and find the right agency for your business. We are sure that you will make the right choice and enjoy a successful cooperation with your selected agency.

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Cost per lead - These B2B click prices will shock you

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

Costs per lead differ depending on the industry, target group and advertising format. It's hard to make a general statement because costs can vary widely. In some cases, ads can cost less than one euro per lead, while other campaigns can cost more than 100 euros per lead.

Cost per lead is usually calculated by the ad network or the ad network through which the ad is served. Ads with a target audience that is very specific may have a higher cost per lead. For example, an ad for a highly specialized B2B software that is only used by a certain type of business may cost more than an advertiser offering a more general product.

Cost per lead also depends on the ad format. Ads delivered to a specific page tend to be more expensive than ads served through social media or search engines. In addition, advertising bonuses or discounts can be offered to lower the cost per lead.

In summary, it's hard to give a shocking cost-per-lead figure because it can vary widely depending on the industry, target audience, and ad format.

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