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Conversion rate in B2B e-commerce - what are typical completion rates of online stores in the corporate customer business (B2B)?

10d ago | By: FDS


The conversion rate in B2B e-commerce measures the success of online stores targeting business customers. Unlike B2C, B2B transactions often involve larger order values, longer sales cycles, and multiple decision-makers, which can affect conversion rates.

Typical Conversion Rates for B2B Online Stores

Conversion rates in B2B e-commerce can vary significantly due to the complex nature of B2B sales. Here are some general benchmarks for typical conversion rates in B2B online stores:

  • General Average: 1% - 3%
  • Good Performance: 3% - 5%
  • Excellent Performance: Above 5%

Factors Influencing Conversion Rate

The conversion rate in B2B e-commerce can be influenced by several factors, including:

  • Website Design and User Experience: A professional, user-friendly website that caters to the needs of businesses can improve conversion rates.
  • Product Information: Detailed product specifications, pricing tiers, and bulk ordering options can facilitate informed purchasing decisions.
  • Customer Service: Responsive customer support and personalized assistance can build trust and encourage conversions.
  • Payment and Financing Options: Flexible payment terms and financing options tailored to business needs can facilitate larger transactions.
  • Content Marketing and Thought Leadership: Providing valuable content, such as whitepapers, case studies, and industry insights, can establish authority and attract qualified leads.


Understanding and optimizing the conversion rate is crucial for success in B2B e-commerce. By focusing on user experience, providing comprehensive product information, and offering excellent customer service, online stores can enhance their conversion rates and drive growth in the B2B sector.

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