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Media and Communication Theories Taught in Academia

06/06/2024 | By: FDS

In the field of media and communication studies, students are introduced to a variety of theories aimed at deepening their understanding of the media landscape and communication processes. These theories provide insights into the functioning of media, the influence of media on society, and the dynamics of human communication.

Agenda-Setting Theory

The agenda-setting theory posits that media not only report on topics but also shape public opinion about them. They influence which issues are considered important and which are not. This theory was developed in the 1960s by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw.

Uses and Gratifications Approach

The uses and gratifications approach focuses on the motivations and needs of media consumers. It explores why people use certain media and what needs are satisfied through this usage. This approach was formulated by Elihu Katz, Jay G. Blumler, and Michael Gurevitch in the 1970s.

Social Influence and Media

This theory examines the influence of media on social interactions and relationships. It investigates how media can shape and influence social norms, values, and behaviors. A prominent figure associated with this theory is Marshall McLuhan, who coined the concept of the "global village."

Communication Models

Various communication models are also taught in academia, analyzing the processes of information transmission and interpretation. These include, for example, the sender-receiver model developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, and the transactional model of communication based on the works of Barnlund and Berlo.

Media Ethics and Media Law

In addition to theoretical approaches, ethical and legal aspects of media production and dissemination are addressed. Students learn how media should be used responsibly and what legal frameworks need to be considered. These topics are often discussed in the context of authors like Nicholas Negroponte in the field of digital ethics.

Overall, the media and communication theories taught in academia offer a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of the media landscape and communication processes in our modern society.

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