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Conversion rate in E-Commerce - What are typical completion rates of online stores in the end customer business (B2C)?

05/15/2024 | By: FDS


The conversion rate in e-commerce is a crucial metric for measuring the success of an online store in the business-to-consumer (B2C) sector. It indicates the percentage of website visitors who become customers by making a purchase or completing another desired action.

Typical Conversion Rates for B2C Online Stores

Conversion rates can vary depending on the industry, product category, and target audience. Generally, the following benchmarks are considered typical conversion rates in B2C e-commerce:

  • General Average: 1% - 3%
  • Good Performance: 3% - 5%
  • Excellent Performance: Above 5%

Factors Influencing Conversion Rate

The conversion rate can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • Website Design and User Experience: A user-friendly website with clear design and intuitive navigation can enhance the conversion rate.
  • Product Presentation: High-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews can build trust and boost the conversion rate.
  • Pricing: Competitive prices and attractive offers can positively influence customers' purchase decisions.
  • Payment Options: Offering a variety of secure and convenient payment options can increase the checkout rate.
  • Mobile Optimization: Mobile optimization is crucial as a significant portion of online purchases are made via mobile devices.


The conversion rate is an important performance indicator in e-commerce, reflecting the success of an online store in the B2C sector. By optimizing the factors mentioned above, businesses can improve their conversion rates and increase revenue.

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