
News / Blog: #click-price

What do Facebook Ads cost? What click prices you should expect

02/16/2024 | By: FDS
Facebook Ads cost different amounts depending on the target audience, campaign budget, and target definition. The click price for a Facebook ad depends on various factors, including competition for the same audience, the quality of the ad, and relevance to the audience. As a rule, click prices for Facebook ads range from 0.10 to 0.50 euros per click. It's always important to keep in mind that you should spend the entire budget for a campaign not only on the click price, but also on the analysis and optimization of the ad.
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Cost per lead - These B2B click prices will shock you

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

Costs per lead differ depending on the industry, target group and advertising format. It's hard to make a general statement because costs can vary widely. In some cases, ads can cost less than one euro per lead, while other campaigns can cost more than 100 euros per lead.

Cost per lead is usually calculated by the ad network or the ad network through which the ad is served. Ads with a target audience that is very specific may have a higher cost per lead. For example, an ad for a highly specialized B2B software that is only used by a certain type of business may cost more than an advertiser offering a more general product.

Cost per lead also depends on the ad format. Ads delivered to a specific page tend to be more expensive than ads served through social media or search engines. In addition, advertising bonuses or discounts can be offered to lower the cost per lead.

In summary, it's hard to give a shocking cost-per-lead figure because it can vary widely depending on the industry, target audience, and ad format.

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What are the customer acquisition costs in B2B?

02/22/2023 | By: FDS

The cost of customer acquisition in B2B can vary widely and depends on many factors, such as the industry, the company, the target audience, the sales channel, and the type of marketing activity.

Some common marketing activities in B2B include digital marketing campaigns such as Google Ads ads, advertising in trade magazines, direct marketing, cold calling, networking events and trade shows. The cost of these activities can vary widely, ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars or even higher, depending on the tactics used and the intensity of the campaigns.

Especially due to the high click prices in the B2B area (= products & services to corporate customers) of up to 15 € per click and associated lead prices of several dozen euros to several hundred euros, strong optimization and testing measures are required to not burn the marketing budget.

An important factor in determining the cost of B2B customer acquisition is also customer lifetime value (CLV), or the expected revenue a customer will generate throughout the relationship with the company. If the CLV is high, higher customer acquisition costs may be justified.

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Why the PPC click price in online marketing will ruin you (and what you can do about it)

12/14/2022 | By: FDS

For years, the click prices for search engine advertising have only known one direction: up. In the B2B sector, PPC costs of 3-7 euros are not uncommon.

The PPC click price can ruin online marketing if it is not managed properly. If the click price is too high, it may be difficult to make a profit and the company may spend more money than it can earn. To reduce the risk that the PPC click price will ruin the online marketing, companies should carefully monitor and adjust the click price.

It is important to keep the click price as low as possible to get a higher return on investment. To do this, you can take a few steps:

1. Use the right keywords. Choose keywords that are relevant to your target audience and that are not too expensive. Also, avoid generic keywords as they sell at higher prices.

2. Test different keywords. Test different keywords to find out which ones work best. Compare the results and adjust the click price accordingly.

3. Optimize your content. Make sure your content is relevant, interesting and engaging. If your content is not engaging, users will not click on your ad.

4. Use targeting options. Use targeting options such as demographics, locations, interests, etc. to better reach your audience.

5. Use automated strategies. Automated strategies can help you optimize click price and return on investment.

By following these steps, you can control the PPC click price on your online marketing campaign and reduce the risk that it will ruin your marketing.

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Lead costs in B2B new customer acquisition - what costs should you expect?

11/04/2022 | By: FDS

Per lead costs can range from several tens of euros to hundreds of euros due to the high competition in B2B online marketing and correspondingly high click prices, often in the mid-single-digit euro range.

You must take this into account when pricing and calculating the contribution margin.

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