
Glossary / Lexicon

What is meant by evaluation?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Evaluation is a process of systematically and methodically assessing the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of projects, programs, measures or strategies. The aim of evaluation is to gain knowledge about whether the objectives have been achieved, whether the measures have been successful and whether they have produced the desired benefits. The results of evaluation can help inform decisions, improve processes and actions, and initiate change.

Evaluation involves several steps, including formulating evaluation questions, establishing criteria and indicators, selecting methods for data collection and analysis, conducting fieldwork, analyzing data, reporting, and disseminating results. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used to obtain comprehensive findings.

There are different types of evaluations, such as process evaluations, outcome evaluations, impact and sustainability evaluations, and meta-evaluations. The choice of the type of evaluation depends on the objective and the questions to be answered.

Overall, evaluation is an important part of project management and contributes to the continuous improvement of measures and programs.

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