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What is a no-go in customer acquisition?

06/09/2023 | By: FDS

A "no-go" in customer acquisition refers to an action or approach that is considered totally unacceptable or unprofessional and turns off potential customers. Here are some examples of no-go's in customer acquisition:

Inappropriate behavior: Any form of rude, pushy or aggressive behavior towards potential customers is an absolute no-go. Clients want to be treated respectfully, and any kind of pushing or coaxing is likely to discourage them from working with you.

Lack of research: if you don't have basic information about the potential client and don't know what their needs are or what solutions they are looking for, it comes across as unprofessional and disinterested. Customers appreciate it when you find out in advance and target their individual needs.

Untargeted mass advertising: sending mass emails or spam messages to a large number of potential customers without any personalization is an absolute no-go. It shows that you are not taking a personalized approach and have no real interest in the customer's specific situation.

Missing transparency: if you conceal or deliberately manipulate information or promises to lure customers, trust will be destroyed. Customers value honesty and transparency, and if they feel they are being deceived, they will be unwilling to work with you.

Missing transparency will destroy trust.

Ignoring feedback: customers may raise questions or concerns during the acquisition process. If you ignore them or don't take them seriously, it sends a negative signal. It's important to act on customer feedback, answer questions and address concerns seriously to build a positive customer relationship.

Failing to follow up: If you don't follow up with potential customers after the initial contact or respond to them in a timely manner, it gives the impression that you are disinterested or don't take them seriously. Consistent follow-up is critical to keeping customers interested and resolving their questions or concerns.

These no-gos should be avoided to ensure successful customer acquisition. Instead, focus on a professional, respectful, and customized approach to earn customers' trust and build long-term relationships.

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