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Should you offer your services to test customers at a lower price or for free in order to build up ratings and testimonials?

08/14/2023 | By: FDS

There are pros and cons to offering services at discounted or free rates to build testimonials and reviews.

On the one hand, discounted or free services can attract more potential customers who are willing to try your services and possibly provide positive reviews and testimonials. These reviews and testimonials can then, in turn, help you gain the trust of other potential customers.

On the flip side, however, discounted or free services may also cause customers to not adequately appreciate the quality of your services and thus may be less willing to pay full prices later. In addition, free services may also result in customers taking up your time and resources without adequately compensating you.

If you decide to offer discounted or free services to build reviews and testimonials, make sure you set clear terms and conditions to ensure customers have reasonable expectations and you are still compensated appropriately. In addition, it's important to make sure you treat your customers the same as paying customers to ensure your reviews and testimonials are fair and representative.

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