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How to build a press distribution list

07/18/2023 | By: FDS

A press distribution list is a list of contacts that you can use to distribute press releases. The following steps can help you build an effective press mailing list:

Identify your target audience: Before creating a press mailing list, you need to know who your target audience is. Think about what type of media your target audience reads to ensure you have the right contacts on your press mailing list.

Research relevant media: Research the media that your target audience reads. You can search for publications that have covered similar topics in the past, or for industry publications that are active in your field.

Collect contact details: Once you have identified relevant media, you need to collect the contact details of the journalists, editors and other important contacts. Check media websites to find contact information, or search LinkedIn for journalists and other relevant contacts.

Make a list: Make a list with the contact details of the relevant media and contacts. The list should include each contact's name, position, and contact information.

Maintain your list: It's important to keep your press mailing list up to date by regularly checking for changes in contacts. Remove outdated contacts and add new ones.

Personalize your outreach: When you're ready to send out your press releases, make sure to personalize your outreach. Use journalists' names in your emails and be aware of why you think your message is relevant to them and their audience.

A well-maintained press mailing list can be a valuable tool for your PR campaign. By following these steps, you can ensure your press releases are sent to the right contacts and your campaign will be successful.

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