
News / Blog: #mailing

Buy press mailing list - What to consider?

03/21/2024 | By: FDS

When you buy a press distributor, there are some things you need to consider:

1. Understand the different types of press distributors. There are manual press distributors, which are operated by hand, and automatic press distributors, which are operated electrically. Choose the press distributor that best suits your needs.

2. Decide on the right size. Press distributors come in different sizes to fit different types of print jobs. The larger the press manifold, the more print jobs it can handle simultaneously.

3. Pay attention to the quality. Look for press manifolds that are made of high-quality materials. Choose a model that is durable and reliable.

4. Compare the costs. Compare the prices of different press manifolds to make sure you're getting the best value for your money.

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Press release distribution list - What must it be able to do?

12/15/2023 | By: FDS
A press release distribution list should be able to send press releases to the right media, journalists, bloggers and other public relations players. It should provide a user-friendly interface for list management and news creation. It should also provide a report on delivery, open and click-through rates to assess the effectiveness of the mailing. Some systems offer additional features such as the ability to track press releases, add attachments, provide social sharing links, send notifications of responses, and more.
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Build press distribution list yourself or buy - These are the pros and cons

11/29/2023 | By: FDS

Setting up your own press distribution list costs time - and therefore money. A press distribution list is a very important tool for sending your news to the right target group. There are two ways to build a press distribution list: You can build it yourself or buy it. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of building it yourself

The most important advantage of building a press distribution list yourself is the cost savings. If you build your own mailing list, you can save some costs as you don't have to pay for the services of an external company. Also, you can customize your mailing list specifically to your needs and build it to meet your specific requirements.

Disadvantages of building it yourself

The disadvantage of building a press distribution list yourself is the time it takes to set it up. Tasks that need to be completed include researching and gathering contact information, setting up an email distribution list, and testing the distribution list. Setting up such a distribution list can take some time and can be difficult for some people.

Advantages of purchase

The advantage of buying a press distribution list is that it saves time. When you buy a press distributor, you don't have to invest a lot of time to build the distribution system yourself. Instead, you can use a pre-made distribution system that is already set up and ready to use.

Disadvantages of buying

The disadvantage of buying a press manifold is the cost. A prefabricated manifold system is usually more expensive than a system you build yourself. Also, it's likely that you won't find all the features you need in your own manifold, which means you may have to add additional features that can cost more.

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What are no-go's in marketing?

08/10/2023 | By: FDS

No-go's in marketing are certain approaches or strategies that should generally be avoided because they can have a negative impact on a company's image. Here are some examples of no-go's in marketing:

Deception and Misleading: Consumers should not be deliberately deceived or misled. False claims about a product or service can undermine customer trust and lead to legal consequences.

Spamming: Mass mailing of unsolicited commercial messages, whether by email, text message or phone call, is an unprofessional and unethical marketing practice. It can damage relationships with potential customers and tarnish a company's reputation.

Inappropriate targeting: It is important to carefully analyze the target audience and develop appropriate marketing strategies. Inappropriate targeting based on prejudice or discrimination, for example, can lead to negative reactions and damage the company's image.

Inappropriate targeting can lead to negative reactions and damage the company's image.

Ignoring customer feedback: Customer feedback is valuable to companies because it provides insight into their needs, wants and complaints. Ignoring or dismissing customer feedback can make customers feel unheard or disrespected and turn away from a company.

Personal Data Breach: Inappropriate handling of customers' personal data, for example through unauthorized disclosure or insecure storage, can destroy customer trust. Companies should always comply with applicable data protection laws and ensure that customers' privacy is protected.

Failure to provide transparency: a lack of transparency can affect customer trust. Companies should clearly communicate what information they collect, how it is used, and the benefits or risks associated with a product or service.

This list is not exhaustive, but it provides an overview of some important no-go's in marketing. It is advisable to follow ethical principles and best practices for long-term successful and trustworthy marketing.

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How to build a press distribution list

07/18/2023 | By: FDS

A press distribution list is a list of contacts that you can use to distribute press releases. The following steps can help you build an effective press mailing list:

Identify your target audience: Before creating a press mailing list, you need to know who your target audience is. Think about what type of media your target audience reads to ensure you have the right contacts on your press mailing list.

Research relevant media: Research the media that your target audience reads. You can search for publications that have covered similar topics in the past, or for industry publications that are active in your field.

Collect contact details: Once you have identified relevant media, you need to collect the contact details of the journalists, editors and other important contacts. Check media websites to find contact information, or search LinkedIn for journalists and other relevant contacts.

Make a list: Make a list with the contact details of the relevant media and contacts. The list should include each contact's name, position, and contact information.

Maintain your list: It's important to keep your press mailing list up to date by regularly checking for changes in contacts. Remove outdated contacts and add new ones.

Personalize your outreach: When you're ready to send out your press releases, make sure to personalize your outreach. Use journalists' names in your emails and be aware of why you think your message is relevant to them and their audience.

A well-maintained press mailing list can be a valuable tool for your PR campaign. By following these steps, you can ensure your press releases are sent to the right contacts and your campaign will be successful.

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