
Glossary / Lexicon

What is breaking news?

10/13/2023 | By: FDS

A breaking news story, also known as "breaking news", is a special form of journalistic news that is used to inform about urgent and immediate events or developments. Breaking news is usually considered particularly important and timely and is therefore often published immediately to quickly inform the public. Here are some important characteristics of breaking news:

Urgency: Breaking news is generally only used for messages with a high degree of urgency and an immediate need for information. These can be events such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, political crises, serious accidents or other significant incidents.

Quick publication: Breaking news is published as quickly as possible to ensure that the public is immediately aware of developments. In the digital era, they are often published online, on news websites and on social media.

Succinct information: Breaking news typically contains brief and concise information that conveys the most important facts about the event. They are often written in the form of short sentences or paragraphs.

Treadmill or push notifications: Breaking news is also often broadcast on television news programs via a ticker tape on the screen or via push notifications on mobile devices to grab people's attention.

Update: Because breaking news typically only contains basic information at first, it is often updated as more details become available. Journalists are working to produce more accurate and comprehensive reports.

Trusted Sources: Information in breaking news stories typically comes from trusted news sources and is carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy.

Breaking news is designed to quickly keep the public up to date on important events and to enable people to make informed decisions or behave appropriately in safety-critical situations. They are an essential tool in news reporting to respond to current developments and emergencies and to demonstrate the relevance and responsiveness of the media.

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