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What Google Ads can not do?

02/21/2023 | By: FDS

While Google Ads is a powerful tool for increasing online visibility and traffic, there are also some things it can't do:

It can't replace a poor website experience: If the company's website is not user-friendly, a Google Ads campaign alone will not be enough to achieve a high conversion rate.

It can't guarantee success on its own: Even if a Google Ads campaign is executed very well, it is not a guarantee that the company will be successful. Success requires a holistic strategy and other factors such as customer service, product quality and pricing also play an important role.

It can't convert all traffic into quality leads: although Google Ads campaigns can drive traffic to the company's website, it doesn't automatically mean that every visitor is a potential customer. It requires further strategies to convert traffic into quality leads.

It can't guarantee instant results: It may take some time for a Google Ads campaign to deliver the desired results. The campaign needs to be continuously monitored and optimized to get the best out of it.

It may not cover all keywords: although Google Ads campaigns can cover a wide range of keywords, there are some specific keywords that may not be covered. In this case, it may be necessary to use alternative strategies such as SEO or content marketing to cover these keywords.

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