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The German Media Market 2023 - An Overview

10/14/2022 | By: FDS

The media market in Germany has changed significantly in recent years. Traditional media, such as newspapers and magazines, have lost importance and revenue, while online media, such as social networks and streaming platforms, have grown strongly. While television will still play an important role in Germany in 2022, the importance of the Internet will continue to grow.

Revenues in the German media market in 2022 will be determined primarily by developments in digital media. For example, digital advertising, video-on-demand (VoD) and social media platforms will account for a large proportion of revenues. The online games business will also become increasingly important.

Print media will still play a role in the German media market in 2022, but their share of revenues will continue to decline. This will primarily affect newspapers and magazines, which are being replaced more and more by digital media. Some publishers are trying to hold their own in the market by also offering their content digitally.

The German media market in 2022 will also be shaped by new technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality. Developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) will also continue to play a crucial role. The use of AI in advertising will help improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Overall, the German media market will continue to develop in the direction of digitalization and innovation in 2022. Sales will be driven primarily by innovative digital media such as apps, VoD and social media, while traditional media will lose importance.

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