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Maximize the probability of startup success (instead of failing like 90%) with the KISS method and an MVP.

12/20/2022 | By: FDS

The KISS method (Keep It Simple and Smart) aims to make complex ideas as simple as possible. By focusing on the essentials, founders and entrepreneurs can establish their product or service on the market more quickly.

To maximize the likelihood of startup success, it is recommended to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This is a small, simple product that contains the core features of the idea but is much easier to develop compared to the final product. It helps founders quickly develop a product that can be tested and validated without the cost and effort of a full-fledged product.

In addition, founders can also try to create a "proof of concept" to test the demand for their product or service. Through such a proof of concept, founders can find out if their idea will work and how it can compete in the marketplace.

These strategies can help maximize the likelihood of startup success by reducing product complexity and testing demand. If founders use these strategies, they can significantly increase their chances of success instead of failing like 90%.

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