
Knowledge Base

How to build a press distribution list properly?

07/25/2022 | By: FDS

1. Define your target groups: First, you need to define your target groups. Identify which media are relevant to your products and services and which journalists and editors you want to target.

2. Create a list of potential contacts: Create a list of potential contacts you want to address. Include the name of the publisher, the name of the editor, and their contact information.

3. Create a media kit: A media kit contains all relevant information about your company and products that you want to provide to journalists. This includes, for example, company descriptions, press releases, logo and photos.

4. Publish your press releases: After you have built your press distribution list, publish press releases on a regular basis to attract media attention.

5. Maintain your press distribution list regularly: don't forget to maintain your press distribution list regularly by adding new contacts and updating old contacts.

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