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Checklist press release - What to pay attention to before sending

08/10/2022 | By: FDS

1. Check for formalities:

- Writing of the press release according to the rules of the press.

- Complete indication of the sender's contact details

- Use of a correct form of address

2. Check for accuracy:

- Correct statement of facts

- Correct citations

- Correct use of abbreviations and technical terms

3. Checking the legal situation:

- Obtaining permission from the author, if necessary.

- Check for copyright infringements

- Checking for violations of personal rights

4. Check for clarity:

- Introduction should clearly indicate what it is about

- Structured outline

- Comprehensible wording

- Use of pictures, graphics and attachments

5. Distribution check:

- Choosing the right distribution list

- Selection of the appropriate media

- Preparation of a press kit for the media representatives

6. Final check:

- Reading of the press release by a neutral person

- Checking for typing errors and spelling

- Check for comprehensibility

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