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Press Release - Informing the Media Professionally

02/07/2024 | By: FDS

A press release, also known as a press statement or news release, is an official written communication created by companies, organizations, governments, or individuals to inform journalists and media outlets about relevant news or events. The press release is a crucial tool in Public Relations (PR) and serves to keep the public informed about specific developments, products, events, or other pertinent information.

Key features of a press release may include:

Clear News Value: A well-crafted press release contains pertinent and interesting information with clear news value for the targeted audience of journalists. This could involve a product launch, corporate merger, event announcement, or significant personnel changes.

Structured Format: Press releases typically follow a standardized format. They usually start with a concise headline, followed by an introduction summarizing the key details. The main body provides more in-depth information, followed by background details and contact information for further inquiries.

Structured Language: A press release should be written in clear and understandable language. Technical or complex information should be presented in a way that is easily digestible for journalists and the target audience.

Clear Communication: The press release is directed at journalists, so it is essential to consider the needs of media representatives. This includes providing relevant quotes, images, and background information.

Neutrality: A press release should be neutral and objective. It serves to provide journalists with facts so they can independently report on the information.

Targeted Audience: The press release is targeted at journalists, aiming to meet their requirements. This involves providing relevant quotes, visual materials, and background information.

Timely Release: Press releases are often distributed promptly to ensure that the information is current and that media outlets have the opportunity to report on it swiftly.

Press releases are commonly disseminated through press distribution services, emails, or directly to newsrooms. They play a crucial role in establishing media presence and can contribute to the perception of an organization or company in the media landscape.

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The press release - tips, examples & sample press release

02/07/2024 | By: FDS

A press release is an important tool for sending a message to a broad public. The press release aims to arouse the interest of media representatives and generate broad public attention. Press releases are usually short and informative and contain information about a company, event, product or topic.

Tips for writing a press release:

1. Choose a topic of interest: Choose a topic that will appeal to a wide audience and has the potential to receive a lot of media attention.

2. Use a clear and concise headline: The headline should grab the reader's attention and summarize the content of your press release.

3. Write an interesting and informative text: Write an informative and interesting text that contains the most important information and facts. Make sure that your press release is easy to understand and reader-friendly.

4. Use the right language when writing the press release: Avoid being overly promotional or too informal. Use neutral, professional language.

5. Use an appealing layout: use clear and appealing formats to make your press release appealing. Avoid cluttering the press release.

6. Include contact information: add your contact information at the end of your press release so journalists and media representatives can contact you.

Example press release:

[Company name] releases new product

[Company name] is pleased to introduce the new product [product name]. The product offers a unique combination of [product description].

The [product name] product is a unique solution designed specifically for [target audience]. With [product name], users can [benefits of the product].

[Company Name] has posted a variety of information and resources about [Product Name] on its [Website], including [Product Details]. Additional information can also be requested directly from [contact person].

[Company Name] is pleased to offer a unique solution that will help [Target Audience] achieve their goals.

Sample Press Release:

[company name] is celebrating [anniversary].

[Company name] is celebrating its [anniversary/anniversary] today [date]. Since [year], the company has provided [services/products] to serve [customers/market]. Since then, [company name] has become a major player in the industry.

Over the years, [company name] has achieved many successes, including [achievements]. The company offers its customers a unique combination of [services/products] and strives to continuously improve its services.

[Company Name] would like to celebrate the [anniversary/anniversary] by offering a [special offer/discount] to its customers. This offer is valid for a limited time and can be accessed on [website].

[Company Name] is pleased to celebrate the [anniversary/anniversary] and thanks its customers for their loyalty and support.

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Salary report: Income of videographers for social media in Germany in 2024

02/07/2024 | By: FDS

With the rise of social media platforms, videographers have become indispensable creative professionals who produce content for TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms. But what will the income of these videographers for social media in Germany look like in 2024? A detailed look at the current situation provides insights into remuneration practices in this dynamic and constantly evolving field.

The role of videographers for social media

Social media videographers are experts at producing short, engaging videos that work successfully on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. Their work ranges from entertaining clips to informative tutorials and high-quality produced vlogs

Remuneration margin in Germany in 2024

The income of videographers for social media in Germany in 2024 will vary depending on various factors, including number of followers, type of content, partnerships with brands and the level of engagement of the target audience.

Earning opportunities through platforms

TikTok: TikTok videographers can generate income through the TikTok Creator Fund, live gifts from viewers and sponsorship partnerships. Income can range from €500 to several thousand euros per month, depending on reach and interaction.

Instagram: Instagram videographers can generate income via IGTV ads, collaborations with brands, affiliate marketing and direct support from their followers. Monthly income can range from €1,000 to several thousand euros.

YouTube: YouTube videographers earn through advertising revenue, sponsorships, affiliate marketing and merchandising. Monthly income can range from €1,000 to tens of thousands of euros, depending on the size of the channel.

Collaborations with brands

Videographers for social media have the opportunity to cooperate with brands and generate additional income as a result. The fees for such collaborations can vary greatly and depend on the awareness of the videographer, the type of collaboration and the reach.

Technical requirements and creativity

The technical requirements are high in order to produce high-quality videos that attract the attention of the target group. Creativity and the ability to adapt to changing trends are crucial

Marketing and community management

Success on social media requires strong marketing to build your brand and effective community management to maintain an engaged following.

Flexibility and adaptability

Social media videography requires flexibility to react quickly to trends and changes in algorithms. The ability to optimize and adapt content to the needs of the target audience is crucial.

Recommendations and engagement

Success on social media often depends on recommendations, positive reviews and a high level of engagement from the target group.


The income of videographers for social media in Germany in 2024 offers not only financial rewards, but also the chance to reach a broad global following. With a mix of creativity, technical skill and strategic thinking, videographers can succeed in this field and turn their passion for video production into a thriving social media channel.

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Hiring in 2024: Attracting More Qualified Applicants to Your Open Positions

02/07/2024 | By: FDS

In an ever-evolving work landscape, employee recruitment has become a complex challenge. Companies are tasked with attracting and retaining qualified professionals. In 2024, it is crucial to employ innovative strategies to appeal to and secure a pool of highly qualified applicants. This article will explore proven methods and trends to optimize employee recruitment this year.

1. Digital Recruiting Platforms:

The use of digital recruiting platforms is indispensable in 2024. Companies can strengthen their presence on platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed to attract qualified professionals. Actively participating in industry-specific forums and groups can also enhance visibility.

2. Employer Branding:

A robust employer branding is critical to engage potential employees. Companies should emphasize their values, corporate culture, and employee benefits. This can be achieved through authentic stories, employee testimonials, and visual content on social media platforms.

3. Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting:

Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the recruiting process allows for more efficient selection of qualified candidates. Automated screening tools can analyze resumes, while chatbots provide information and pre-qualify job interviews.

4. Emphasizing Remote Work Opportunities:

Acceptance of remote work has increased, and many professionals value flexible work models. Companies highlighting remote work opportunities can attract a broader applicant pool and secure qualified talent regardless of geographical location.

5. Targeted Training and Development:

Providing training and development programs signals that the company invests in the personal and professional growth of its employees. This not only strengthens employee retention but also attracts potential applicants seeking developmental opportunities.

6. Promoting Diversity & Inclusion:

Diversity and inclusion are not only morally important but crucial for company success. Companies should actively take measures to create an inclusive work environment to attract and retain diverse talents.

7. Transparent Communication in the Recruitment Process:

Clear and transparent communication throughout the entire recruitment process is crucial. Candidates appreciate honesty and regular updates. A poor application experience can deter potential talent.

Employee recruitment in 2024 requires a holistic and innovative approach. By utilizing digital tools, emphasizing employer branding, and maintaining open communication throughout the recruitment process, companies can successfully attract and retain qualified applicants for their open positions in the long term.

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How do you become successful online?

02/06/2024 | By: FDS


The world of online business presents a multitude of opportunities, but the path to success requires strategic thinking, adaptability, and a solid understanding of digital dynamics. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to achieve success online and harness the opportunities of the digital age to their fullest.

Define Your Goals and Target Audience:

The first step towards online success is clearly defining your goals. Consider what you want to achieve and identify your target audience. A precise understanding of your target audience allows you to develop targeted strategies that cater to their needs.

Invest in a Strong Online Presence:

A compelling online presence is crucial. Create an appealing website that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly. Ensure clear information about your offerings and use high-quality visuals to captivate visitors' interest.

Utilize Effective SEO Strategies:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a cornerstone of online success. Identify relevant keywords for your business and optimize your website accordingly. This increases visibility on search engines and attracts qualified traffic.

Successful Social Media Marketing:

Social media is a powerful platform to interact with your target audience. Develop a social media strategy that authentically represents your brand. Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to spread your message and engage with customers.

Build Trust Through Content Marketing:

Content marketing is an effective way to build trust and showcase expertise. Create high-quality, relevant content that addresses the needs of your target audience. Blogs, videos, and infographics can help establish your brand as a trustworthy source.

Optimize Your Conversion Processes:

A seamless and efficient conversion process is crucial. Optimize your website for easy navigation and a smooth checkout experience. Ensure that your customers have a positive and stress-free shopping experience.

Use Analytics for Continuous Improvements:

Implement analytics tools to understand the behavior of your website visitors. Analyze metrics such as page views, dwell time, and conversion rates. Use this information to make continuous improvements and optimize your strategies.

Successful Customer Relationship Management:

Maintain efficient customer relationships. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, provide excellent service, and use customer feedback to enhance your business. Satisfied customers often become the best ambassadors for your company.


The online world offers a wealth of opportunities for success, but the key lies in thoughtful strategy and continuous adjustments. Through clear goals, a compelling online presence, effective marketing strategies, and continuous improvement of your processes, you can lay the foundation for online success and make the most of the opportunities presented by the digital age.

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