
Knowledge Base

How many hours should agencies invest in market observation / market research per month or year?

02/02/2024 | By: FDS

The number of hours agencies should invest in market intelligence and research depends on several factors, including the industry in which they operate, the size of the agency, their client base and changing market dynamics. Here are some considerations:

1. Industry knowledge and trends:

Agencies should regularly spend time updating their industry knowledge and staying on top of trends. This could include attending industry events, reading trade publications, listening to podcasts and engaging in online communities.

2. Competitive analysis:

Continually reviewing the competitive landscape is critical to staying ahead in a dynamic marketplace. Agencies should plan time to analyze competitors, their strategies and their positioning in the market.

3. Customer needs and feedback:

Understanding client needs is central to the success of agencies. Market research can help to analyze customer feedback, understand their expectations and adapt services accordingly.

4. New technologies and innovations:

Agencies, especially those in technology-oriented fields, should spend time researching new technologies and innovation opportunities. This could include participating in training, testing new tools or integrating advanced solutions into their services.

5. Strategic planning and business development:

Market research also supports strategic planning and the identification of new business opportunities. Agencies should spend time reviewing their long-term goals and identifying new areas for growth.

In terms of specific hours per month or year, there are no hard and fast rules, as this depends heavily on the agency's individual situation and the specific requirements of the industry. Larger agencies with more extensive activities may plan more time for market research than smaller agencies.

Continuity and adaptability in market observation are crucial in order to be able to react to changes and be successful in the long term. It is important to invest time in meaningful activities that have a direct impact on the quality of services and competitiveness.

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Running an Online Business on Autopilot - How to Make Money While You Sleep with an Automated Business Model

02/02/2024 | By: FDS

The pursuit of financial freedom and passive income has taken on new dimensions in the digital age. At the heart of this trend is the idea of putting an online business on autopilot – a business model that allows for income generation while literally sleeping. This article explores the key aspects of an automated business model and demonstrates how entrepreneurs can earn money while they sleep.

1. Establishing the Foundation:

The first step for an online business on autopilot is laying a solid foundation. This includes choosing a profitable niche, identifying the target audience, and developing a unique value proposition. A clear understanding of your brand and the value it provides is crucial.

2. Automating Sales Processes:

The key to making money while you sleep lies in automating sales processes. This involves setting up sales funnels, automated email campaigns, and payment processing. By automating these processes, business transactions can occur almost without manual intervention.

3. Content Marketing and SEO:

High-quality content marketing combined with robust search engine optimization (SEO) ensures a continuous flow of traffic to your website. Automated blog posts, videos, or podcasts can engage potential customers and strengthen your online presence.

4. Utilizing Affiliate Marketing:

Integrating affiliate marketing allows you to form partnerships with other businesses and generate revenue through referrals. Automated tracking systems monitor referred customers, and you receive commissions for successful referrals.

5. Digital Products and Online Courses:

Creating and selling digital products and online courses enables passive income streams. Once created and set up, these products can be continuously sold without your constant active involvement in the sales process.

6. Automate Customer Service:

By implementing chatbots, automated FAQs, and ticket systems, customer service can be largely automated. This ensures efficient handling of customer inquiries without the need for constant manual monitoring.

7. Data Analytics for Continuous Optimization:

Regular analysis of data and metrics is crucial for continuously optimizing the automated business model. Understanding customer behavior and preferences allows for adjustments to enhance efficiency and profitability.

Case Study: FDS:

An example of a successful online business on autopilot is FDS. Through the savvy integration of automation tools, digital marketing, and a clear focus on digital products, the company has generated a steady income, allowing the founders to use their time for strategic decisions and further development.


Realizing an online business on autopilot requires planning, investment in technology, and continuous optimization. However, by integrating the right automated processes, entrepreneurs can build a passive income while dedicating their time to the creative and strategic aspects of their business. It's the path to financial freedom and entrepreneurial independence in the digital age.

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Studying Data Science: Which NC do you need to study data science?

02/01/2024 | By: FDS

The Numerus Clausus (NC) for studying Data Science varies depending on the university, country, and specific Data Science program. The NC is used to regulate admission to a program and is often based on high school grades (Abiturnoten) or equivalent qualifications.

It's important to note that the NC can change every year due to various factors such as the number of available slots, the demand for the program, and the average grades of applicants.

To find out the exact NC for a Data Science program you are considering, you should check the official website of the respective university or contact the university's admissions office directly. There, you can find the current NC values as well as specific application requirements.

Some universities also offer alternative admission options, such as aptitude tests or interviews, which are independent of high school grades. Therefore, it is advisable to thoroughly research all admission criteria and apply comprehensively and in a timely manner.

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What is information gathering?

02/01/2024 | By: FDS

Information retrieval refers to the process of collecting, identifying, obtaining, and organizing relevant information. This process is crucial for decision-making, research, analysis, and various other activities where access to accurate and pertinent information is important. Information retrieval can occur through various methods:


Actively searching for information using resources such as books, journals, online databases, archives, and other sources.


Gathering information through the observation of events, trends, behaviors, or phenomena.


Directly questioning individuals, experts, or stakeholders to obtain specific information.

Surveys and Questionnaires:

Employing structured questions to collect data from a group of individuals and understand opinions or preferences.

Data Analysis:

Processing and analyzing existing data to identify patterns, trends, or relationships.

Social Media Monitoring:

Monitoring social media to gain insights into opinions, reactions, and trends.

Media Monitoring:

Tracking news sources, press releases, and other media to obtain current information.

Online Searches:

Using search engines to extract information from the internet.

Information retrieval is a fundamental step in many professional and personal contexts. Effective information retrieval often requires the ability to identify relevant sources, critically evaluate data, and integrate various information sources to form a comprehensive understanding.

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Create high-quality content without much effort - We show you how it's done

02/01/2024 | By: FDS

High-quality content is one of the most important elements of any successful marketing campaign. But how do you create high-quality content as efficiently as possible without spending a lot of effort?

1. Leverage the power of scale and automation. Automation allows you to create and distribute content in a short amount of time. Use tools like Hootsuite to publish and distribute your content on multiple platforms at once.

2. Rely on repurposing. Repurposing means that you reuse existing content and turn it into new formats. This will save you a lot of time and effort in creating new content.

3. Be creative. Creativity is the key word when it comes to high-quality content. Think about new ideas that you can incorporate into your content. Use different media formats like videos, infographics or podcasts to make your content more interesting.

4. Incorporate expert opinions. Expert opinions are a great way to create high-quality content. Solicit experts to talk about different topics and give your readers a fresh perspective.

5. Use social media. Social media is a great tool to distribute content quickly and efficiently. Use different platforms like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to publish and share your content.

With these tips, you can create and distribute high-quality content without much effort. Use scaling and automation, repurposing, creative ideas, expert opinions, and social media to distribute and market your content.

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