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Salary report: Income of sales managers in Germany in 2024

01/30/2024 | By: FDS

Sales managers play a key role in companies by being responsible for the success of the sales team and the achievement of sales targets. What will the income of sales managers in Germany look like in 2024? A closer look at the current situation provides insights into remuneration practices for sales managers.

The role of sales managers

Sales managers are leaders who are responsible for the development and implementation of sales strategies. They lead teams, set sales targets and make a significant contribution to the economic success of the company.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

The income of sales managers in 2024 will vary depending on the industry, company size, experience and individual performance. However, there are certain trends and averages that provide an insight into remuneration practices.

Income factors

Industry: The industry in which the company operates influences the income of sales managers. Industries with higher sales and margins tend to pay higher salaries.

Company size: Larger companies often have more resources and can therefore offer higher salaries for their sales managers.

Experience: Experienced sales managers who have a proven track record of leading successful teams can usually negotiate higher salaries.

Income components

The income of sales managers is made up of various components:

Base salary: The fixed base salary forms the basis of remuneration and is paid regularly.

Variable remuneration: Bonuses, commissions or performance-related bonuses are often linked to sales targets or team performance.

Additional benefits: Company cars, bonus programs and other additional benefits can be part of the overall remuneration package.

Regional differences

Regional differences in Germany can also have an influence on salary levels. Metropolitan areas and economically strong regions tend to offer higher salaries.

Market demand and trends

The demand for qualified sales managers remains high as companies strive to optimize their sales activities and achieve sales targets. Trends such as digitalization and data-driven sales are influencing the requirements for sales managers.


The income of sales managers in Germany in 2024 reflects the importance of their role for the success of the company. Competition for qualified sales executives remains intense and companies are willing to offer attractive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent.

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Salary report: Income of documentary filmmakers in Germany in 2024

01/30/2024 | By: FDS

Documentaries offer a unique insight into the diversity of human experiences, societies and cultures. The people behind the camera, the documentary filmmakers, help to tell stories that inspire, inform and often make people think. But what will the income of documentary filmmakers in Germany be like in 2024? A closer look at the current situation provides insights into remuneration practices in this demanding and creative professional field.

The role of documentary filmmakers

Documentary filmmakers are storytellers who capture real people, events and places on film. They play a crucial role in creating works that not only entertain, but often shed light on social and political issues.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

The income of documentary filmmakers in Germany in 2024 will vary depending on experience, project scale, notoriety and the type of release.

Fees according to experience

Beginners (1-2 years of experience): Documentary filmmakers at the beginning of their career can expect annual salaries between €30,000 and €45,000.

Experienced filmmakers (3-5 years experience): With increasing experience and successful projects, salaries between €45,000 and €60,000 can be achieved.

Established professionals (over 5 years experience): Documentary filmmakers with extensive experience, an impressive filmography and possibly international recognition can command annual salaries of €60,000 to €80,000 or more.

Project size and recognition

The fee can depend greatly on the size of the project and the filmmaker's reputation. High profile documentaries with larger budgets often offer higher fees.

Funding and subsidies

Documentary filmmakers can also generate income through funding and grants. This can come from state institutions, foundations or film funding agencies.

Freelance documentary filmmakers

Freelance documentary filmmakers have the flexibility to set their own rates. Hourly rates can vary from €50 to €150 or more, depending on the complexity and scope of the project.

Market demand and trends

The increasing demand for high quality documentaries, both through traditional film releases and streaming platforms, is positively influencing the remuneration for documentary filmmakers.


Documentary filmmakers play an indispensable role in shaping our understanding of reality and human experience. With their unique view of the world, they have the opportunity not only to tell fascinating stories, but also to initiate important social and political discussions. Companies, production houses and funding institutions that value the creative work of documentary filmmakers and offer competitive remuneration will continue to attract top talent in this compelling and challenging field.

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Salary report: Income of shopware developers in Germany in 2024

01/30/2024 | By: FDS

The e-commerce industry is constantly growing, and with it the demand for qualified Shopware developers. These specialists are crucial for the development and maintenance of online stores, especially if they are based on the Shopware framework. But what will the income of Shopware developers in Germany look like in 2024? A closer look at the current situation provides insights into remuneration practices in this specialized field.

The importance of Shopware developers

Shopware is a widely used e-commerce framework that is used for the development of individual and powerful online stores. Shopware developers play a crucial role in the implementation of online sales platforms that meet the specific requirements of customers.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

The income of Shopware developers in Germany in 2024 depends on various factors, including experience, qualifications, region and the size of the company.

Salaries according to experience

Junior Shopware developer: Entry-level developers with less than two years of experience can expect an annual salary between €45,000 and €55,000

Mid-level Shopware developer: Developers with two to five years of experience can expect annual salaries between €55,000 and €70,000.

Senior Shopware Developer: Experienced developers with more than five years of experience and expertise in Shopware can command annual salaries of €70,000 to €90,000 or more.

Qualifications and certifications

Special qualifications, such as Shopware certifications and further training, can have a positive impact on salary. Shopware offers various certifications that prove the skills and expertise of developers.

Company size and location

Income can be influenced by the size of the employer. Larger companies and e-commerce agencies tend to offer higher salaries. Location can also play a role, with cities with a higher cost of living tending to pay higher salaries.

Freelance Shopware developers

Freelance Shopware developers have the option to set their own rates. Hourly rates can vary from €60 to €120 or more depending on experience and specialization.

Market demand and trends

The high demand for e-commerce solutions and online stores has a positive influence on the salaries of Shopware developers. Trends in the e-commerce industry, such as the integration of AI or mobile commerce, can also influence remuneration.


Shopware developers play a key role in e-commerce development and are becoming increasingly important in the digital economy. With continued education, specialization and hands-on experience, Shopware developers have the opportunity to advance their careers and succeed both professionally and financially. Companies that offer competitive salaries, training opportunities and positive work environments will continue to attract top talent in this field.

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Salary report: Income of product photographers in Germany in 2024

01/30/2024 | By: FDS

Product photographers play a crucial role in the visual marketing of products. Their work significantly influences the perception of brands and the success of sales efforts. But what will the income of product photographers in Germany look like in 2024? A detailed look at the current situation provides insights into remuneration practices in this special professional field.

The role of product photographers

Product photographers specialize in showcasing products in an appealing way. From e-commerce platforms to print media and social media campaigns, their images provide potential customers with a first visual impression.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

Remuneration for product photographers in Germany in 2024 will vary depending on various factors. Income can vary greatly depending on experience, the type of products, the size of the company and the scope of services.

Fees per assignment and product

Product photographers often charge their fees per assignment or per product series. In Germany, fees typically range from €200 to several thousand euros, depending on the complexity of the photos and the intended use of the images.

Specialization and additional services

Some product photographers specialize in certain product categories, be it fashion, electronics, food or jewelry. Offering additional services such as image editing, retouching or creative staging can increase income.

Technical equipment and studio costs

Providing high-quality product images requires appropriate technical equipment, including professional cameras, lighting equipment and backgrounds. The cost of a photo studio should also be considered.

Working with companies and agencies

Cooperation with companies, marketing agencies and e-commerce platforms influences the order situation. Stable partnerships can lead to regular orders and increase the photographer's profile.

Marketing and online presence

Self-marketing is crucial for success as a product photographer. A professional website, a convincing portfolio and the use of social media platforms can help to increase reach and attract potential customers.

Flexibility and adaptability

Product photography often requires flexibility as projects are tied to different requirements and schedules. The ability to adapt quickly to different products and styles is an advantage.

Recommendations and customer satisfaction

Recommendations from satisfied customers and positive reviews are crucial to the success of product photographers. The ability to highlight the uniqueness of products and deliver high-quality images contributes to customer satisfaction.


The income of product photographers in Germany in 2024 offers a wide range of opportunities. With the growing importance of visual marketing and online sales platforms, the demand for high-quality product images remains high. Product photographers with a mix of creativity, technical skills and entrepreneurial thinking can succeed in this dynamic professional field.

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Salary report: Income of landscape photographers in Germany in 2024

01/30/2024 | By: FDS

Landscape photography fascinates with its ability to capture breathtaking natural panoramas and capture the beauty of the surroundings in impressive images. But what will the income of landscape photographers in Germany look like in 2024? A detailed look at the current situation provides insights into the remuneration practices of this demanding and inspiring profession.

The role of landscape photographers

Landscape photographers are artists who specialize in the visual representation of natural environments. Through their work, they enable viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of mountains, seas, forests and other landscapes. Their images are not only for aesthetic pleasure, but can also create emotional connections to nature.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

Remuneration for landscape photographers in Germany in 2024 is wide-ranging and depends on various factors. Income can vary greatly depending on experience, reputation, type of projects and market position.

Fees per photo shoot and intended use

Landscape photographers often charge their fees per photo shoot. In Germany, fees typically range from €300 to several thousand euros, depending on the duration of the shoot, the uniqueness of the location and the intended use of the resulting images. Images for advertising campaigns, calendars or publications can command higher fees.

Travel costs and equipment

Landscape photography often requires traveling to remote locations to capture unique images. Travel costs and the purchase and maintenance of high-quality equipment, including cameras, lenses and tripods, can account for a significant proportion of expenses.

Working with tourism companies and publishers

Working with tourism companies, travel magazines or publishers can not only lead to interesting projects, but also to regular income. The publication of landscape images in print media or online platforms can increase awareness and demand.

Specialization and photo tours

Some landscape photographers have specialized in certain regions or types of landscapes, be it mountain landscapes, coasts or deserts. Offering photo tours and workshops can create additional revenue streams.

Marketing and online presence

The success of landscape photographers also depends on their online presence. Using social media, maintaining a professional website and participating in photography communities can help showcase your work to a wider audience.

Competition and uniqueness

The landscape photography industry is competitive, and the ability to offer unique perspectives and styles can make all the difference. Developing your own visual style can help you stand out from the competition.

Recommendations and portfolio

Recommendations from tourism companies, publishers or other photographers, as well as an impressive portfolio, are crucial to the success of landscape photographers. The ability to convey emotion through images and the talent to capture nature in all its splendor are key factors.


The income of landscape photographers in Germany in 2024 will depend on various factors. The combination of creative talent, technical expertise and the ability to capture natural beauty in unique images can help shape a successful career as a landscape photographer. Despite the challenges, landscape photography offers a fulfilling career path for photographers who want to combine their love of nature with their artistic vision.

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