
Glossary / Lexicon

What is a symbol photo?

09/26/2023 | By: FDS

A symbol photo, also called a "symbol image", is an image used to represent a general concept, idea or mood without referring to specific details or events. It is an image that is symbolic of something and is often used in conjunction with text or information to convey a message. Here are some characteristics of symbol photos:

General representation: symbol photos are usually deliberately general and are not intended to refer to specific places, people or events. Instead, they are designed to convey a broader meaning or message.

Use in communication: Symbol photos are often used in various forms of communication, including journalism, advertising, graphic design, education and social media. They are used to visually support or illustrate an idea.

Simplifying complex concepts: Symbol photos are often used to make complex or abstract concepts simpler and more accessible. For example, a heart symbol image can be used to represent love or romance without referring to a specific love story.

Recognisability: A good symbol image should be easily recognisable and understandable, even without detailed explanations. The visual representation should be directly related to the underlying message.

Universal symbols: Certain symbols are often used as symbol photos because they are universally recognised and understood. Examples include the peace sign, the thumbs-up symbol, or the question mark as a symbol of questioning or uncertainty.

Symbol photos are useful to visually convey complex concepts or to visually convey complex elements.

Symbol photos are useful for visually conveying complex concepts or for integrating visual elements in communication. They can also help to create a consistent visual language across different types of media and communication. However, it is important that they are carefully selected to ensure that they represent the desired message appropriately and understandably.

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