
Glossary / Lexicon

What is a solopreneur?

09/14/2023 | By: FDS

A "solopreneur" is a person who starts and runs his or her own business, usually alone, without a partner or employees. The term is made up of the words "solo" (alone) and "entrepreneur" (business owner). Solopreneurs are usually responsible for all aspects of their business, including product development, customer support, accounting, and marketing.

Solopreneurs can work in a variety of industries, from freelance writers and graphic designers to consultants and online marketers. They are often characterized by their independence and self-reliance. Since they usually do not have employees, they have full control over their business decisions and workflow.

It's important to note that the term "solopreneur" does not necessarily mean that the person is running their business solo. They may still use service providers, freelancers or outside resources to complete certain tasks or support projects. The main difference is that the solopreneur usually has primary responsibility for the business and does not have a permanent staff.

Solopreneurs often rely on their skills, expertise, and ability to self-promote to be successful, as they are usually the main driver of their business.

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