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What is a research paper?

02/04/2024 | By: FDS

A research paper is a written document that presents the results and findings of a scientific investigation or study. It is a central component in the realm of academic research and serves to document new insights, expand existing knowledge, or verify and contribute to a specific field.

A research paper typically includes several key components:


Clarification of the research problem or question.

Justification of the relevance and significance of the study.

Specification of objectives and hypotheses, if applicable.

Literature Review:

Summary and analysis of relevant research literature and previous studies on the topic. Identification of knowledge gaps or uncertainties.


Description of the methods and procedures used for data collection and analysis. Justification of the chosen research methodology.


Presentation of collected data and facts in tabular or graphical form. Objective presentation of results without interpretation.


Interpretation of results in the context of the research question. Comparison with previous studies and discussion of potential implications.


Summary of key findings.

Evaluation of research objectives and discussion of possible implications.


Citation of all sources referenced in the research paper.


Additional materials such as survey forms, raw data, or other supporting documents. Research papers can take various forms, including bachelor's theses, master's theses, dissertations, or scientific articles. They are fundamental to scientific progress, aiming to generate new knowledge and share it with the academic community.

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