
News / Blog: #companies

The best lead sources in B2B 2023 at a glance

09/14/2023 | By: FDS

1. Google Ads: With Google Ads, companies can reach their target audience directly through search and display ads.

2. LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn now provides a powerful platform for B2B companies to connect with their ideal customers.

3. Content marketing: content marketing remains one of the most effective ways to generate leads in B2B markets.

4. Social media: social media campaigns are an important part of the lead generation process in B2B.

5. Email marketing: email marketing is another effective lead generation strategy that B2B companies can use.

6. SEO: SEO is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website to generate more leads.

7. Webinars: Webinars are a very effective lead generation method in B2B.

8. Referral Programs: Referral programs are an excellent way to generate more leads.

9. Trade shows and conferences: Trade shows and conferences are a great way to attract new customers.

10. Networks: a good network can be a valuable source of leads in B2B.

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Why real companies post fake jobs - THIS is really behind it

08/30/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, where jobs are fiercely contested and competition in the job market is ever-increasing, many job seekers are struggling with a disturbing trend: real companies posting what appear to be fake jobs. These are job openings that look appealing, but in reality do not exist or have already been filled internally. Such a practice may seem ethically questionable at first glance, but there are a few reasons why companies resort to it. In this article, we'll take a look behind the scenes and find out what's really behind it.

Building talent pools:

One of the main motivations for real companies to post fake jobs is to build a qualified talent pool. By collecting applications for non-existent jobs, they can identify potential candidates and store them in their database. Later, when a suitable position becomes available, they can immediately access this pre-qualified pool and speed up the recruiting process.

Image building and market research:

Posting job ads, even if there are no immediate plans to hire, can serve to strengthen the company's image as an attractive employer. Additionally, they gain insight into the labor market, demand for specific skills, and competition in the industry.

Covert investigations:

In some cases, fake job ads can also be used by real companies to spy on employees or competitors. For example, by mentioning specific skills or technologies in the ad, they can check if their competitors are looking for similar skills or if internal information is leaked.

Budgets and compliance:

Sometimes companies need to spend their HR management budgets to avoid cutting their funding for the next year. By posting job ads and interviewing candidates, they can justify their budgets and may receive increased funding in the future. In addition, some companies must meet certain regulatory requirements and receive a minimum number of applications for certain positions.

Flexibility and planning ahead:

The world of work is dynamic and ever-changing. Companies can maintain flexible workforce planning by advertising fake jobs. This allows them to respond quickly to unexpected staffing needs without losing valuable time on job postings.

Although the practice of posting fake jobs is considered unethical by some, real companies may actually have legitimate reasons for doing so. It is important to emphasize that companies should not deceive or mislead their applicants. Communication should be transparent, and applicants should be notified early on if the job is no longer available.

For job seekers, it remains advisable to be vigilant when applying for a job. Research companies in advance, check their online presence, and use personal networks to learn about potential employers. That way, you can focus your time and effort on seizing real job opportunities and advancing your career.

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Economic situation dramatic: Why companies need media presence now to compete

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

The ongoing economic uncertainty combined with a dramatic shortage of skilled workers presents companies with a double challenge. With inflation in excess of 6% triggered by the conflict in Ukraine and the recent fall in German GDP in the third quarter, the need to find and retain qualified employees is aggravating. In this complex situation, a targeted media presence can make all the difference for companies.

The crisis is exacerbating the shortage of skilled workers

The shortage of skilled workers was already an urgent problem in many sectors before the current crisis. With the economic turbulence, this gap is becoming even more noticeable. Companies face a double challenge: not only do they have to deal with the effects of the crisis, but they also have to find qualified personnel capable of adapting to the new realities.

Why media exposure is crucial for talent acquisition

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, a strong media presence is essential for companies. Here are some reasons why media exposure can play a key role in overcoming the skills shortage:

Increase attractiveness for applicants: Companies that present themselves actively in the media have the opportunity to show their culture, values ​​and working environment. This can appeal to potential applicants and help talent feel connected to the company from the start.

Demonstrate expertise: A strong media presence allows companies to showcase their expertise and innovative ability. This can attract highly skilled professionals looking for employers with the ability to thrive even in tough times.

Visibility as an attractive employer: Companies that have a positive media presence can establish themselves as an attractive employer brand. This can help ensure that professionals respond specifically to job vacancies.

Strengthen existing employee loyalty: Media presence enables companies to put their employees in the spotlight and celebrate their successes. This strengthens employee retention and helps keep the existing team motivated and engaged.

The digital platform as a bridge to talent

The digital world provides an essential platform for businesses to maximize their media exposure. Corporate websites, social media, career blogs, and online events enable companies to target talent. The possibility of direct interaction also makes it possible to answer questions from applicants and establish a personal connection.


The link between the economic crisis and the shortage of skilled workers makes the importance of a strategic media presence for companies clear. The current situation requires companies to show both their resilience and their attractiveness as employers. Media exposure can help attract the right talent, demonstrate the necessary expertise and strengthen the existing team. In times of change, a strong media presence can make a decisive contribution to the survival and successful further development of companies.

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Why it is becoming increasingly difficult for B2B companies and service providers to cover their costs with Google advertising

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

The digital advertising landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. Especially for B2B companies and service providers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to break even with Google advertising. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why these changes have taken place and what challenges this poses for B2B companies.

Growing competition:

The number of companies using Google advertising has increased significantly in recent years. As a result, competition for limited advertising space on search results pages and in Google Ads has increased significantly. As competition increases, so does the cost per click and per conversion, resulting in higher ad spend for B2B companies and service providers.

Rising click prices:

Click prices in Google Ads have risen sharply in many industries. Especially in B2B areas with expensive products or services, the cost per click can quickly skyrocket. It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to find cost-effective keywords to reach their target audience.

Long sales cycles:

B2B companies and service providers often have longer sales cycles than B2C companies. Business customers tend to take longer to make decisions, which can lead to higher costs per conversion. Tracking conversions and accurately measuring advertising success becomes more complicated as a result.

Ad blockers and ad blindness:

More and more Internet users are using ad blockers to protect themselves from advertising. As a result, ads are less visible and thus less noticed. Even when companies invest in Google Ads, a significant portion of their target audience may not even see the ads.

Complexity of Google Ads:

Google Ads is an extremely complex advertising tool with many setting options and features. For small and medium B2B companies, it can be difficult to set up and optimize an effective advertising campaign, especially if there is no designated Google Ads expert in the company.

Shift to other platforms:

With the rise of social media and other advertising platforms, some companies are shifting their advertising budgets away from Google Ads. Depending on the target audience and industry, advertising on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or specialized industry portals may be more cost-effective and targeted.


B2B companies and service providers are finding it increasingly difficult to cover their advertising costs with Google Ads. Increasing competition, rising click prices, long sales cycles, ad blockers and the complexity of Google Ads are just some of the challenges they face. It is important that companies carefully rethink their advertising strategies and possibly consider alternative advertising platforms to effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

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People brands: How to position yourself as a brand

08/11/2023 | By: FDS

In today's world, it's more important than ever to position yourself as a brand. Especially for people who are in the public eye, such as artists, influencers or entrepreneurs, it is of great importance to build a strong personal brand. Here are some reasons why person brands are so important:

Differentiate yourself from competitors

A strong person brand helps you stand out from your competitors. There are many people who have similar talents or skills as you. When you build a strong person brand, you can ensure that you stand out from the competition and attract potential customers or fans to you.

Build trust

A strong persona brand can help build trust with your customers or fans. By positioning yourself as a brand, you can clearly communicate your values and beliefs, which will help you connect with your target audience. People buy from people they like and trust.

Add value

A strong personal brand can help increase your value. When you're known as a brand, you increase your chances of being noticed by the public, which can lead to more customers or fans. A strong personal brand can also help you charge higher prices for your services or products.

Career opportunities

A strong person brand can also help you create or expand career opportunities. When you are known as a brand, you increase your chances of being discovered and approached by companies or other influencers. A strong person brand can also help you be seen as an expert in your field.

How do I build a strong personal brand?

Building a strong person brand takes time, patience and hard work. Here are some steps you can take to build your person brand:

Define your goals and values: Think about what goals you want to achieve and what values are important to you. This information should be clearly communicated in your brand.

Create an engaging online presence: A strong online presence is essential to be perceived as a brand. Create a website or blog and use social media to spread your message.

Be authentic: A strong personal brand is based on authenticity. Be honest and open with your customers or fans and stick to your values and beliefs.

Build a community: A strong persona brand requires a loyal fan base. Use social media and other platforms to build a community and connect with your customers or fans.

Provide value: A strong personal brand provides value to its customers or fans. Think about how you can add value to your target audience through your services, products or content. Conclusion

A strong person brand can be of great importance to many people, especially those who are in the public eye. A well-built persona brand can help you stand out from the competition, build trust with customers or fans, and increase value. If you want to build a strong persona brand, you should define your goals and values, create an engaging online presence, be authentic, build a community, and provide value. With hard work, patience and a smart strategy, you can build a successful personal brand.

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