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Salary report 2024: The remuneration landscape for IT freelancers and freelance programmers

01/24/2024 | By: FDS

Digitalization has revolutionized the world of work and the demand for highly qualified IT freelancers and freelance programmers has risen steadily in recent years. Given the dynamic nature of the industry and the ongoing development of technology, it is crucial for these professionals not only to have the latest skills but also to be paid appropriately. In this salary report, we take a detailed look at the income situation of IT freelancers and freelance developers in 2024.

1. Average hourly rates:

According to recent surveys and salary studies, it appears that the average hourly rates for IT freelancers in 2024 have continued to rise compared to previous years. Specialists with specialized knowledge, such as blockchain development, artificial intelligence or cybersecurity, generally demand higher fees.

Web development: The average hourly rate for freelance web developers will be around [x] euros in 2024. This reflects the increased complexity and growing demand for responsive and user-friendly web applications.

Mobile app development: Freelance app developers, especially those with experience in developing for iOS and Android, can charge hourly rates of [x] to [y] euros. This is due to the ever-growing popularity of mobile applications.

Data science and AI: Experts in the field of data science and artificial intelligence are still in demand. Hourly rates for freelancers in these fields average [x] to [y] euros, depending on the specific expertise.

2. Project-based remuneration:

In 2024, there is a trend towards increased project-based remuneration models. Many IT freelancers prefer to offer their services on a project basis in order to increase their flexibility and optimize their income.

Simple website creation: Small web development projects, such as the creation of simple company websites, can bring in between [x] and [y] euros per project.

App development: App development can range from [x] to [y] euros per app, depending on the scope and complexity of the project.

Big data projects: Freelancers who specialize in big data projects have the ability to charge fees in the range of [x] to [y] euros per project.

3. regional differences:

It is important to note that salaries for IT freelancers can vary considerably depending on the region. In metropolitan areas and economically prosperous regions, hourly rates tend to be higher than in rural areas.

Metropolitan regions: IT freelancers can earn higher hourly rates in cities such as Berlin, Munich or Hamburg, as the demand for digital services is particularly high here.

Rural areas: Hourly rates tend to be lower in less urban areas, but there are an increasing number of freelancers who work remotely due to the possibility of remote working regardless of where they live.


Salaries for IT freelancers and freelance programmers have increased again in 2024, and the industry remains dynamic. This trend is expected to continue as digitalization progresses and companies increasingly rely on the expertise of freelancers. If you want to be successful as an IT freelancer, you should not only have up-to-date skills, but also aim to earn a reasonable fee for your services.

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