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Email marketing: tips for increasing open and click-through rates

10/10/2023 | By: FDS

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to connect with customers and generate leads, despite the constant changes in the digital marketing landscape. However, the challenge is to ensure that your emails are actually opened and read. In this article, we will cover some proven tips to increase open and click-through rates in your email marketing.

1. Segmenting your audience

A personalised approach is crucial to email marketing success. Segment your email list according to various criteria such as demographic characteristics, buying behaviour or interests. This allows you to send tailored messages to specific segments of your audience and provide more relevant content.

2. Create engaging subject lines

The subject line is the first thing your recipients see. It should be short, concise and appealing. Avoid spammy terms and instead go for a subject line that arouses curiosity or conveys a clear benefit. Experiment with different wording to see which works best.

3. Personalise your emails

Personalisation goes beyond simply addressing the recipient by name. Use available data to provide personalised recommendations, offers or content based on the recipient's behaviour and interests

4. Ensure mobile optimisation

The majority of emails are opened on mobile devices. Make sure your emails are optimised for mobile views. This means a user-friendly display on small screens and ensuring a fast loading time.

5. Eye-catching call-to-action (CTA)

Your emails should contain clear and eye-catching call-to-action elements. Use highly visible buttons and links that encourage the reader to go to your website or take further action.

6. Test and optimise

By A/B testing, you can find out which elements of your emails work best. Test different subject lines, images, CTA positions and content to see what improves your open and click-through rates. Stick to best practices, but also be open to experimentation.

7. Frequency and timing

Find the right balance between the frequency of your email campaigns and the timing. Too many emails can put subscribers off, while too few can cause them to lose interest. Experiment to find out when your target audience is most receptive.

8. Segment follow-up messages

After triggering a specific action, such as opening an email or clicking a link, you can send automated, segmented follow-up messages. These can help maintain interest and increase conversion rates.

9. Encourage social sharing

Encourage your subscribers to share your emails on their social media. This can significantly increase the reach of your campaigns and attract new subscribers

10. Monitor and customise

Use analytics and metrics to monitor the success of your email campaigns. Understand what's working and what's not, and adjust your strategy accordingly.


Email marketing remains a powerful tool for customer retention and lead generation. By implementing these proven tips, you can increase email open and click-through rates while maintaining effective communication with your target audience. Remember that email marketing requires continuous optimisation to meet the ever-changing needs and preferences of your recipients.

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