
Glossary / Lexicon

What is media analysis?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Media analysis is a field of research that deals with the systematic study of media content. This includes the study of texts, images, videos, and audio files to examine the way they are used to convey messages. This also includes examining the effect that such media have on people, such as shaping opinions, ways of thinking, and behaviors. Media analysis can also help measure and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
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What is a brand strategy?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
A brand strategy is a plan used to position a brand or product in the market. This strategy includes identifying target audiences and customer needs, defining values and positioning, creating communication plans, and defining activities to promote the brand. The goal is to create a strong, unique brand that attracts customers and leads to longer-term customer loyalty.
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What are media collaborations?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Media collaborations refer to the cooperation between different media companies to realize joint projects. These collaborations can take place in many different areas, including marketing, technology, content sharing, and many more. Some examples of media collaborations include television and radio stations working together to produce a show, or different film studios teaming up to produce a movie.
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What is a communication plan?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
A communication plan is a planning tool used to organize communication between different parties in a particular project. It helps to organize and plan the communication strategy required for the project, including defining the objectives, identifying the necessary resources, and planning the timing of the communication. The communication plan can also be used to monitor effective feedback after project completion.
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What is sales promotion?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Sales promotion is a combination of various marketing and sales activities designed to attract and increase consumer interest in a particular product or service. Such activities often include advertising, promotions, sales price reductions, gifts, contests, and events designed to increase customer interest in a product or service and drive sales.
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