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Building up a second mainstay alongside your job - How to take the step into self-employment

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Find an idea

Before you build a second leg of your business, you first need to find an idea. Think about whether you want to start something business that you enjoy, or if you want to start a business that can generate additional income for you. Think about possible ideas and figure out how to make them happen.

2. Plan and prepare

Once you have an idea, you should think about how to implement it in a concrete way. Write down your goals and plan your steps. Create a business plan to review your idea and make sure it is profitable. Familiarize yourself with all the requirements and legal regulations that apply to your business.

3. Take your first steps

After you have reviewed your idea and made all the preparations, you can start building your second leg. To do this, you may need to register a business, create a website, or send out a newsletter. Find out about marketing opportunities to build a customer base.

4. Maintain a balance

It is important to keep a balance between your job and your second leg. Therefore, plan your work to ensure that you have enough time for both. Try to complete your tasks as efficiently as possible, and delegate tasks when possible.

5. Maintain perseverance

You will encounter obstacles on your way to becoming an entrepreneur. Do not despair and maintain your optimism. Don't let setbacks stop you and set small, achievable goals to guide you.

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