
News / Blog: #gründungen

Startup Ticker Week 20/2023: 1,692 company startups in Germany

05/04/2023 | By: FDS
The total number of new companies registered in the commercial register in the 20th calendar week of 2023 was 1,692 in Germany.
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The best techniques for getting readers of a press release to take action

01/11/2023 | By: FDS

1. Use call-to-action statements. Use call-to-action statements to prompt readers to perform a specific action. Examples include: "Click now to learn more," "Visit our website," or "Request your free trial."

2. Create a sense of urgency. Create a sense of urgency by providing compelling arguments and rationales for why readers need to act quickly.

3. Use a variety of media formats. Use a variety of media formats, such as images, videos, or graphics, to persuade readers to take action.

4. Offer a gift or bonus. Offer a gift or bonus if readers take a specific action. This can be a free product, a free service, or a discount.

5. Make it easy for readers. Make it easy for readers by providing simple, understandable instructions and a clear path to the action.

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What are start-ups?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Start-ups are companies that are created from scratch without taking over an existing business. They may arise from an idea, a gap in the market, or an innovation to offer a new product or service. There are different types of startups, such as start-ups, sole proprietorships, and joint ventures.
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Who are our products & services aimed at?

09/02/2022 | By: FDS

Who are our products aimed at? Who is the target group of Fischer | Data Science.?

There are around 15,000 startups every month in Germany alone. All founders of new businesses & startups that have a supra-regional focus need, in addition to their own website for the optimal start into self-employment, tools that save them valuable time, e.g. for research, so that they can concentrate on their core work (i.e. product development, marketing/sales, PR/public relations). This is where our products come in.

In addition, more established companies and organizations such as foundations and associations or societies also have a constant need to maximize their media presence as well as data around for fundraising to achieve their goals.

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08/17/2022 | By: FDS

As already reported in the message of 05.08.2022, there was a change in the legal situation for the provision of commercial register notifications. However, the actually welcome amendment for more transparency now turns out to be completely different than anticipated:

From August 1, 2022 - thanks to a completely unusable user interface (UI) and session-based data provision with a severely limited number of queries - no more changes in the commercial register change notifications can be processed automatically, i.e. no more updating of data or reconciliation with our company database can take place, as this is simply no longer technically possible. In addition, there is no longer any information available about newly founded companies or new registrations, i.e. newly founded companies.

This means that the Bundesanzeiger Verlag (DuMont Publishing Group, Cologne), which was privatized in 2006, now has a monopoly position over access to company information (provided or to be provided free of charge by the companies) and will be able to sell it even more expensively in the future than before.

The goal of our company database has always been to reduce unnecessary costs and, with better market information, to create added value not only for individual companies but also for the market and thus society as a whole.

Pursuing this mission is no longer possible due to the new gatekeeper function of the new monopolist.

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