
News / Blog: #client

Freelancing - What are the pros & cons?

06/16/2023 | By: FDS

Freelancing, or working on your own as a freelancer, has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most important ones:


Flexibility: as a freelancer, you have the freedom to determine your own working hours and location. You can adapt your work to your personal needs and priorities.

Independence: You are your own boss and have full control over your work. You can make your own decisions and don't have to compromise.

Potentially higher income: As a freelancer, you have the opportunity to charge higher hourly rates or project fees than you would in a traditional salaried position.

Varied work: as a freelancer, you have the opportunity to work with a variety of clients and projects, which provides variety and challenge.


No guaranteed income: As a freelancer, there are no fixed income guarantees. You may have to go without assignments and income for some time.

Self-employment means working alone: As a freelancer, you often work alone, without colleagues or supervisors, which can affect social interaction and motivation.

Administrative tasks: As a freelancer, you will have to take care of administrative tasks yourself, such as invoicing, accounting, and taxes.

Uncertainty: As a freelancer, there is always the risk that orders and projects will fall away or that demand will change, which can mean uncertainty and financial instability.

So overall, there are many pros and cons to freelancing. It depends on personal preferences, skills and goals whether this type of work is a good choice.

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Press relations for (solo) self-employed and freelancers - how it's done

06/15/2023 | By: FDS

As a solo self-employed or freelancer, it can be a challenge to publicize your work and services and reach potential clients. One effective way to do this is through targeted public relations. Here are some steps you can take as a solo self-employed or freelancer to do press outreach:

Create a list of relevant media: research relevant media outlets that are relevant to your target audience and business. Create a list of contact information for journalists or editors responsible for publishing articles in these media outlets:

Write a press release.

Write a press release: write a press release about your business, services or a specific project you are working on. Make sure your press release is clear and concise, and includes important information such as your name, company and contact information.

Send the press release: send your press release to the contacts on your list. Use a personal salutation and make sure you've spelled the recipient's email address correctly.

Send your press release to the contacts on your list.

Take follow-up action: If you don't get a response to your press release, take follow-up action. Call editors or send a friendly email to ask if they received your press release and if they need more information.

Use social media: Share your press release on your social media channels to increase reach. Use relevant hashtags to reach potential customers.

Offer expertise: Offer your expertise as a resource for journalists. If journalists need information on a topic related to your area of expertise, it could be an opportunity to get mentions in the press.

Supply your expertise as a resource for journalists.

Use opportunities: Take advantage of opportunities such as events or conferences to showcase your work and connect with journalists or editors.

Use press opportunities.

Press relations can be an effective way to get known as a solo self-employed or freelancer and reach potential clients. With a little effort and creativity, you can draw media attention to you and your business.

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What is a no-go in customer acquisition?

06/09/2023 | By: FDS

A "no-go" in customer acquisition refers to an action or approach that is considered totally unacceptable or unprofessional and turns off potential customers. Here are some examples of no-go's in customer acquisition:

Inappropriate behavior: Any form of rude, pushy or aggressive behavior towards potential customers is an absolute no-go. Clients want to be treated respectfully, and any kind of pushing or coaxing is likely to discourage them from working with you.

Lack of research: if you don't have basic information about the potential client and don't know what their needs are or what solutions they are looking for, it comes across as unprofessional and disinterested. Customers appreciate it when you find out in advance and target their individual needs.

Untargeted mass advertising: sending mass emails or spam messages to a large number of potential customers without any personalization is an absolute no-go. It shows that you are not taking a personalized approach and have no real interest in the customer's specific situation.

Missing transparency: if you conceal or deliberately manipulate information or promises to lure customers, trust will be destroyed. Customers value honesty and transparency, and if they feel they are being deceived, they will be unwilling to work with you.

Missing transparency will destroy trust.

Ignoring feedback: customers may raise questions or concerns during the acquisition process. If you ignore them or don't take them seriously, it sends a negative signal. It's important to act on customer feedback, answer questions and address concerns seriously to build a positive customer relationship.

Failing to follow up: If you don't follow up with potential customers after the initial contact or respond to them in a timely manner, it gives the impression that you are disinterested or don't take them seriously. Consistent follow-up is critical to keeping customers interested and resolving their questions or concerns.

These no-gos should be avoided to ensure successful customer acquisition. Instead, focus on a professional, respectful, and customized approach to earn customers' trust and build long-term relationships.

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What are common sources of error for freelancers?

06/07/2023 | By: FDS

1. Inadequate planning and time management: freelancers are often prone to overlooking project and time constraints.

2. Inadequate pricing: Freelancers often underestimate their own value, which can result in them not being paid adequately for their services.

3. Inadequate communication: freelancers are often unable to communicate effectively with clients and other stakeholders, which can lead to misunderstandings and problems.

4. Inadequate documentation: freelancers are often unable to properly document their work, which can lead to poor project organization.

5. Inadequate contracts: Freelancers are often unable to sign clear and specific contracts, which can lead to legal difficulties.

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What are the most common objections from potential prospects of B2B agency services

04/27/2023 | By: FDS

There are several objections from potential prospects of B2B agency services that might hold them back from buying. Here are some examples:

Cost: Price is often a deciding factor in the purchase decision. If the price of services is perceived to be too high, it can cause potential clients to refrain from purchasing them.

Lack of experience: another objection could be that the B2B agency does not have experience in the industry or in the specific services that the potential client needs. If the potential client has concerns about the agency's ability to meet their specific needs, this may make them unwilling to purchase the services.

Inadequate experience: Another objection could be that the B2B agency lacks experience in the industry or in the specific services the potential client needs.

Inadequate expertise: If the B2B agency does not have the necessary expertise or competence to meet the client's specific requirements, this may result in the potential client being unwilling to purchase the services.

Inadequate time: The agency's ability to meet the client's specific requirements may result in the potential client being unwilling to purchase the services.

Time constraints: Potential clients may have concerns about time constraints, especially if they require rapid implementation of services. If the B2B agency is unable to deliver the services within the desired timeframe, this may make the potential client unwilling to purchase the services.

Time Constraints.

Lack of Confidence: A lack of confidence in the B2B agency's ability to deliver the desired results may result in potential clients being unwilling to purchase the services.

Internal Resources.

Internal resources: potential clients may already have internal resources to perform the services they need. In this case, they may have concerns about the need to hire an external agency.

It is important to consider the internal resources.

It is important to address these objections and convince potential clients that B2B agency services will meet their needs and provide value. Effective marketing can help to overcome these objections and convince potential clients that B2B agency services are the right choice.

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