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Freelancing - What are the pros & cons?

06/16/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Freelancing, or working on your own as a freelancer, has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most important ones:


Flexibility: as a freelancer, you have the freedom to determine your own working hours and location. You can adapt your work to your personal needs and priorities.

Independence: You are your own boss and have full control over your work. You can make your own decisions and don't have to compromise.

Potentially higher income: As a freelancer, you have the opportunity to charge higher hourly rates or project fees than you would in a traditional salaried position.

Varied work: as a freelancer, you have the opportunity to work with a variety of clients and projects, which provides variety and challenge.


No guaranteed income: As a freelancer, there are no fixed income guarantees. You may have to go without assignments and income for some time.

Self-employment means working alone: As a freelancer, you often work alone, without colleagues or supervisors, which can affect social interaction and motivation.

Administrative tasks: As a freelancer, you will have to take care of administrative tasks yourself, such as invoicing, accounting, and taxes.

Uncertainty: As a freelancer, there is always the risk that orders and projects will fall away or that demand will change, which can mean uncertainty and financial instability.

So overall, there are many pros and cons to freelancing. It depends on personal preferences, skills and goals whether this type of work is a good choice.

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