
Knowledge Base

How to create an online course

12/14/2023 | By: FDS

1. Choose a topic: Before you start, you need to choose a topic for your online course. Think about what you want to talk about and who you want to address.

2. Create a course plan: Once you've selected your topic, you'll need to create a course plan. This includes a list of the lessons you would like to teach, an expected duration, and an order of the lessons.

3. Create your course content: after you have created your course plan, you need to create your course content. Create a script for each lesson, including instructions for achieving the learning outcomes. Also use visual elements to make your course interesting.

4. Create an online platform: before you can launch your course, you need to choose a platform where you can offer your course. There are several platforms that allow you to publish and sell your course.

5. Publish your course: once you have created your course, you can publish it on your online platform and offer it for sale. It is also important that you promote your course through social media and other platforms so that more people know about it.

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