
News / Blog: #launch

Example of a Press Release - Structure & tips

04/19/2024 | By: FDS

Structure of a press release

1. Header: Briefly state the name of the company and/or topic pertaining to the press release here, e.g., "XYZ Corporation Releases New Service."

2nd Lead: A brief overview of the content of the press release designed to grab the reader's attention, e.g., "XYZ Corporation, a leading provider of IT services, today announced the launch of a new service to support enterprise customers."

3. Main body: here the content of the press release is explained in detail. Key points include details about the new product or service, reasons why it may be beneficial, and other useful information.

4. conclusion: a brief summary of the content of the press release, e.g., "XYZ Corporation offers a new service to help enterprise customers achieve their goals."


- Make sure your press release is clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary details and jargon.

- Make sure your press release includes important information that a reader might be interested in.

- Use quotes from top company officials to make your press release more interesting.

- Engage with professionals who can review your press release before it is published.

- Avoid errors in spelling and grammar.

- Include a photo or graphic to make your press release more interesting.

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How press releases can increase your media visibility

03/15/2024 | By: FDS

People often wonder why some companies get frequent mentions in the media, while others rarely get press coverage or interviews.

The key, besides the relevance of your story in terms of time, lies in press contacts.

Press releases are an important way to get visibility in the media. If you write good press releases and send them to the right media, you can significantly increase your media visibility.

A good press release should be clear, informative and tell an interesting story. It's important to send your press releases to the right media. Target editors and journalists who are interested in your topic and who can spread your message.

It's also important to update your press releases regularly. For example, if you are launching a new product line, you should draft a press release and send it to the media to cover it.

Social media campaigns are also a great way to get visibility in the media. Create interesting content and share it through your social media channels. This is a great way to gain new followers and increase your visibility.

In conclusion, press releases are an important part of any media campaign. If you write good press releases, send them to the right media and create social media campaigns, you can significantly increase your media visibility.

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Earn 10000 euros and more per month with a handful of customers - thanks to correct positioning

02/26/2024 | By: FDS

It is possible to earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers if you apply the right positioning. This can be achieved through an effective pricing model and by offering a wide range of services.

The pricing model can be designed to add value to customers and make them feel that they are getting something for their money. This can be done by offering different packages with different prices and services to give customers a wider range of options.

The range of services should be broad so that customers have a wide selection from which to choose. To achieve this, different combinations of the different services can be offered.

To attract more customers, it can also be helpful to launch online campaigns to draw attention to the offer and the company. This can be done by using different social media channels, email marketing and other forms of online advertising to reach more people.

Another important step to attract more customers is to create a stronger brand awareness. This can be done by taking various steps such as creating a website, developing a professional logo, and designing promotional materials that represent the company.

In this way, companies can achieve a positioning that allows them to attract more customers and earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers.

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Ideas without end - Stay creative with the Content Pipeline

01/30/2024 | By: FDS

1. Create a blog with a regular post.

2. Create a quiz or game to promote your brand.

3. Create a video tutorial about your product or service.

4. Create an interactive website that attracts your audience.

5. Run a social media campaign to spread the word about your brand.

6. Create an e-book or white paper to promote your brand.

7. Publish articles regularly in trade journals and other publications.

8. Publish podcasts regularly to reach your audience.

9. Create infographics to spread the word about your brand.

10. Launch a content marketing campaign to engage your audience.

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A/B Testing- Why Split Testing is Essential for the Success of Advertising Campaigns

12/29/2023 | By: FDS

A/B testing is an essential part of most advertising campaigns, as it provides an effective way to measure the success of a campaign. Split testing allows companies to create and test different versions of an ad to see which one delivers the best results, increasing the chances of campaign success.

A/B testing helps companies get a better understanding of how their target audience responds to a particular ad. Instead of launching a campaign and hoping it works, businesses can test different versions of an ad and see which one works best. This gives them the opportunity to adjust their campaigns to improve results.

A/B testing also allows businesses to show more relevant ads to potential customers. By testing different versions of an ad, companies can find out which one resonates best with their target audience. Instead of using a generic ad, companies can create more personalized ads that are tailored to the needs and interests of their target audience.

A/B testing also allows a campaign to be more efficient. Companies can decide whether to invest more money in certain aspects of the campaign or whether they prefer to go in a different direction based on the results of the tests. This helps them use the campaign budget more efficiently and generate more profit.

Overall, A/B tests are an essential component to the success of an advertising campaign. They help companies create the best ads for their target audience, learn more about their audience, and make their campaigns more efficient. Therefore, it is important that companies integrate A/B testing into their advertising campaigns to achieve the best possible results.

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