
News / Blog: #launch

What are avoidable mistakes when starting an online business?

04/06/2023 | By: FDS

Lack of market analysis: Before starting an online business, you should conduct a comprehensive market analysis to ensure that there is a need for your product or service. If you skip this step, you could end up starting a business that has no market or doesn't fill a need.

Lack of audience analysis: it's important to know who your target audience is so you can target your online business accordingly. If you do not engage with your potential customers, you may end up offering a product or service that is not tailored to their needs and interests.

Lack of a business plan: Without a well thought out business plan, it will be difficult to successfully launch and operate your online business. A business plan will help you determine your goals and strategies, plan your costs and revenues, and identify potential risks.

Lack of investment in marketing: just because you've created an online business doesn't mean it will grow on its own. You need to invest in marketing to reach your target audience and get your brand known. If you don't, you may end up with a great product or service, but no customers.

Lack of focus on customer service: customer service is just as important in online business as it is in brick-and-mortar retail. You need to make sure your customers are happy and that you respond quickly and effectively to their inquiries and complaints. If you don't take care of your customers, you can quickly get a bad reputation and lose customers.

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How to Build a PR Media List

03/27/2023 | By: FDS

A PR media list is a list of journalists, editors, bloggers, and other key influencers who may be relevant to your PR campaign. A well-built PR media list can help make your PR campaign successful by ensuring your messages are getting to the right people. Here are some steps you can follow to build a PR media list:

Identify Your Target Audience: Before you start building your media list, you need to make sure you know your target audience well. Think about who your target audience is and what media they read or follow.

Research relevant media: Once you have identified your target audience, you should research which media are relevant to them. Look for publications that have covered similar topics in the past and can reach the target audience of your PR campaign.

Gather Contacts: Once you have identified relevant media outlets, you need to gather contact details of the journalists and editors who work for those media outlets. Check media websites for editors' names or search for journalists on LinkedIn.

Make a list: When you have collected all the contact information, you can make a list. This list should include the journalists' names, their contact information, and the publications they work for.

Maintain your list: Make sure your media list stays current by updating regularly as journalists move or their contact information changes.

Personalize your outreach: When you're ready to launch your PR campaign, make sure to personalize your outreach. Use journalists' names in your emails and be aware of why you think your message is relevant to them and their audience.

A well constructed PR media list can be an essential part of your PR campaign. By following these steps, you can ensure your messages are being sent to the right people and your campaign will be successful.

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What does a PR department do?

03/15/2023 | By: FDS

A PR department is responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring measures to communicate and position a company, organization or individual. The main tasks of a PR department can be the following:

Developing PR strategies: The PR department develops strategic plans to improve a company or organization's image and manage public perception.

Media Relations: The PR department maintains relationships with journalists and members of the media to influence coverage of the company or organization and generate positive publicity.

Crisis communications: The PR department is responsible for crisis communications and works closely with other departments to respond quickly and effectively to crisis situations and minimize damage to the company or organization.

Content creation: the PR department creates and publishes content such as press releases, blog posts, social media posts, newsletters and other materials to spread the company or organization's message.

Event planning: the PR department organizes and plans events such as press conferences, trade shows, product launches and other events to increase awareness of the company or organization.

Internal communications: the PR department is also responsible for internal communications, informing employees about news and developments in the company or organization.

Overall, the PR department is responsible for maintaining the image and reputation of a company or organization and works to build and maintain a positive relationship with target audiences.

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What are the wrong decisions to avoid as a founder?

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

It is a bad idea to focus on a single product or service. Instead, founders should try to offer multiple products or services to reach a broader range of customers. It is also important to develop a sophisticated strategy for growing the business before going in a particular direction. This will allow the company to plan for the long term and respond to changes in the industry. Another mistake founders should avoid is relying on a single source of funding. It is important to use multiple sources of funding to minimize risk.

1. An overly optimistic plan: if founders are too optimistic, they can focus on too many things at once and quickly lose sight of the big picture. A realistic and step-by-step plan is important to succeed.

2. Insufficient financial management: founders should manage their money responsibly by carefully controlling their expenses and carefully tracking their income.

3. Insufficient market research: it is important to know the needs and wants of target customers before launching a product or service. So founders need to do sufficient market research to validate their business idea and ensure that it will be successful in the market.

4. Scaling too quickly: Growing too fast can lead to financial problems as it is difficult to finance the growth. Founders should therefore aim for realistic growth and scale only when it is financially possible.

5. Hiring too early: Many founders make the mistake of hiring employees too early, before they have sufficiently validated their business. Such an approach can lead to financial difficulties, as you can spend too much money on wages without having enough in return.

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How publishers and authors get media visibility for their books and new releases

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some tips on how publishers and authors can get media visibility for their books and new releases:

Create a list of relevant media: identify relevant media that may be interested in your books or new releases. This includes local and regional newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and television stations.

Write a press release: write a press release that includes key information about your book or new release. Make sure your press release conveys a clear and concise message and is tailored to the interests of your target audience.

Use your contacts: Use your contacts to forward your press release to relevant media outlets. Relationships with journalists and editors can help you get your press release into the right hands.

Offer expert knowledge: Offer your expert knowledge to the media. If your books or new releases are relevant to a particular topic or area, you may be seen as an expert or authority in that field.

Host a book event: host a book event such as a reading, book launch or book signing to attract media attention. Invite local media and promote the event in advance.

Use social media: Use social media to promote your books or new releases and draw attention to your press release. Use hashtags to categorize and share your posts.

Offer review copies: Offer review copies to relevant media outlets, book bloggers and influencers. A positive review can help build interest in your book.

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