
Knowledge Base

What is a press release distributor?

08/31/2022 | By: FDS

A media distribution list or press distribution list is a way of sending a message, e.g. a press release, to several recipients or multipliers at the same time. This can be done either by yourself using an email program or by providers who offer direct mailing of press releases. Often, the cost of this service is several hundred euros per piece, whereas with our Media & PR Database 2022, the cost is only one time.

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How good are free press portals?

08/29/2022 | By: FDS

Free press portals are a relic of the 2000s. The general opinion is that hardly anyone even reads or looks at the press releases posted there.

Neither the user numbers, nor the reach of these providers justify relying solely on this channel for a press release. In addition to the sometimes questionable quality or reliability of other press releases or publishers on these platforms, which can have a negative impact on your own company, your press release may also not appear in Google News. Also, the probability that local, regional or national media will pick up your story or news from there is extremely low. It is better to be able to send press releases directly to the relevant editorial offices.

With our Media & PR Database 2022, you have access to the editorial addresses of over 16,000 media outlets in the German-speaking world.

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Doomed to Fail - Why Business Ideas Without Execution Are Worth Nothing

08/27/2022 | By: FDS
Business ideas without execution are worth nothing because they do not deliver results. Without execution, you can't tell if an idea is good, bad or mediocre. It is difficult to predict whether an idea will be successful or not, but without execution it is impossible to know whether it will work or not. Business ideas are only as valuable as the execution behind them. They need a clear goal, a strategy, and most importantly, execution. Only then can they lead to success.
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Profit distribution as a founder - Why the best investment is the investment in your own company

08/27/2022 | By: FDS

It is important to understand that a business, like any other investment, carries financial risks. However, as the founder of a business, you are in a unique position to manage your company in a way that promises you the greatest success. Investing in your own business allows you to benefit from the profits that the business generates.

Investing in your own business is one of the safest investments you can make. There are many benefits to investing in your own business, but one of the biggest is that you have direct influence over the earning power. You can run your business in a way that makes the most profit for you. This means that every time your business makes a profit, you benefit directly from the earnings.

Another great benefit of investing in your own business is the control you have over the distribution of profits. You can decide how much money you want to distribute and what type of profits you want to receive. This allows you the opportunity to reinvest your profits selectively and develop your business to generate even more profits.

Finally, profit distributions can also be used as a form of reserve for future investments. This means that if you make further investments, you can rely on the profit distributions to fund your investments. This can be a great advantage as it gives you more financial flexibility without having to make further investments.

Overall, investing in your own business is one of the safest investments you can make. Investing in your own business allows you to directly benefit from the profits that your business generates. It also allows you to maintain control over the distribution of profits, and it gives you the opportunity to develop your business to generate even more profits.

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Why online marketing is a money pit in 2022 - And what you should invest in instead

08/27/2022 | By: FDS

Online marketing will still be an important part of any business strategy in 2022, but the investments made in online marketing strategies will be much higher than in previous years. The cost of online advertising and search engine marketing is rising, and it is becoming more difficult to appear on the top pages of search engine results. This means that companies investing in online marketing strategies will have to spend a lot more money than they would expect to get a good ROI.

Instead, in 2022, companies should invest more in creating high-quality content, accelerating their website speed, optimizing for search engines, and improving user experience. These areas are a much more worthwhile investment, as they have a direct impact on a website's rankings and therefore also help drive more qualified visitors to the site.

In addition, businesses should also invest in social media marketing strategies to increase their reach and build brand awareness. This can help drive more traffic to the website and generate more qualified leads. Companies can also invest in email marketing to build a stronger connection with existing customers and generate new leads.

In this way, companies can get much more out of their online marketing efforts in 2022 than if they only invest in expensive advertising campaigns.

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