
Glossary / Lexicon

What is the coefficient of variation?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
The coefficient of variation (also known as the coefficient of variance) is a measure of the dispersion of a group of values. It is calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the arithmetic mean of the group. The coefficient of variation provides a quick and easy way to measure the dispersion within a group of values. The higher the coefficient of variation, the greater the dispersion of the values.
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What is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a modern form of statistical analysis used to study relationships between variables in complex data sets. This method allows researchers to create a model that describes the influence of different variables on the behavior of an individual or group. SEM can be used to improve research results by testing hypotheses about relationships between variables, considering multiple variables simultaneously.
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What is the least squares method?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
The least squares method is a procedure for fitting data to a mathematical function. It is commonly used in statistical analysis to estimate the parameters of a given function from a set of observed data points. The procedure consists of minimizing the deviation between the observed values and the predicted values by adjusting the parameters of the function.
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What is analysis of variance?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Analysis of variance is a statistical data analysis technique used to study the differences between two or more groups. It is often used to find out how much influence each variable has on a particular measured variable. Analysis of variance can also be used to evaluate the strength of the relationship between two or more variables.
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What is the standard error?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
The standard error is a mathematical quantity that describes the variance of a measured value of a sample. The standard error is often used to determine the accuracy of a sample. It indicates how much the measured values in a given sample deviate from the average value.
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