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Always stay in the flow - More ideas with the right creative technique

12/22/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Staying in flow at all times is one of the most important qualities for being creative. Flow means that you fully engage in your creativity and move from one idea to the next. Staying in flow allows you to generate more ideas and find new creative solutions. To stay in flow, you need to master the right creative techniques.

1. Brainstorming - Brainstorming is a creative technique where you gather in a group or alone to generate ideas on a specific topic. The idea is to gather as many ideas as possible in order to have a wide range of solutions.

2. Mind Mapping - Mind mapping is a creative technique where you create a map with your topic at the center. In doing so, you create a map with terms, images, and connections to get an overview of the topic.

3. Creative Writing - Creative writing is a creative technique where you write to generate new ideas. It involves letting your thoughts flow freely and writing them down to come up with new solutions.

4. Visualization - Visualization is a creative technique where you imagine visual images to generate new ideas. You can imagine a picture of what you want to accomplish to help you find a clear path.

5. Brainwalking - Brainwalking is a creative technique where you gather in a group or alone to brainstorm in a specific environment. You move around the environment while letting your thoughts flow freely on a particular topic.

If you can master the creative techniques mentioned above, you can easily stay in the flow and generate new ideas. By using these techniques, you can find creative solutions that you would not have found otherwise. Try it out and find out how you can stay in the flow and generate more ideas.

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