
Knowledge Base

Writing to editors - the right way to do it

02/14/2024 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Start your cover letter with a personal salutation. Briefly state why you are writing to the editor.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to present my idea for an article.


Describe briefly and concisely what kind of article it should be and why you are suitable for it.

I would like to write an article about current developments in the technology industry. As an experienced technology journalist, I am well-informed on the subject and can provide you with an informative yet entertaining article.

3. conclude your cover letter with a brief summary of your motivation and a request for feedback.

I am very motivated to participate in the project and hope that my idea will be of interest to your editorial staff. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you and best regards

[Your name]

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