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What are the founding steps?

06/29/2023 | By: FDS

There are various founding steps that are important when founding a company. Here are the key steps:

Develop a business idea: The first step in founding a company is to develop a business idea. The idea should be based on market analysis and be unique.

Create a business plan: The next step is to create a business plan. The business plan includes a description of the business idea, a market analysis, financial planning and a description of the organizational structure.

Choose legal form: An important decision when starting a company is the choice of legal form. There are various options such as sole proprietorship, GmbH or AG.

Secure financing: Starting a business usually requires financing. There are various financing options such as equity, debt or subsidies.

Registration with the trade office: Before founding, the company must be registered with the trade office. The tax identification number and the sales tax ID are also requested here.

Building a business: After registering with the trade office, the company can be set up. Here you have to rent, hire employees and find suppliers.

Marketing and sales: Once the business is built, marketing and sales activities must be started to attract customers.

Controlling: Controlling is necessary to monitor the success of the company. Key figures such as turnover and profit are monitored here and appropriate measures are taken to keep the company on track.

The exact steps may vary by industry and legal entity, but these are the basic steps when starting a business.

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