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Types of meetings you should know

03/14/2024 | By: FDS

There are various types of meetings, structured differently based on objectives, participants, and procedures. Here are some common types of meetings:

Meeting: A general gathering where participants come together to exchange information, engage in discussions, and make decisions. It can occur regularly or ad hoc.

Brainstorming Meeting: Participants gather to creatively generate ideas, often aiming to find new solutions to problems or develop innovative approaches.

Status Meeting: Participants discuss the current status of a project or initiative, promoting transparency and keeping all involved parties informed.

Planning Meeting: Focused on developing plans and strategies, participants prepare to allocate resources, set goals, and create implementation plans.

Workshop: Participants actively work on specific tasks, solve problems, or develop specific skills. It may also include training sessions.

Decision-Making Meeting: Decisions on specific topics are made. Participants contribute information, discuss options, and vote to reach a decision.

Team Meeting: Members of a specific team gather to exchange information, discuss goals, and foster collaboration.

One-on-One Meeting: A meeting between two individuals, usually between a supervisor and a subordinate, to discuss performance, progress, or issues.

Customer Meeting: A meeting with customers to discuss requirements, present progress, or gather feedback. It may also involve closing new business deals.

Virtual Meeting: Conducted online or via video conferencing platforms to connect participants from different locations.

Retrospective Meeting: After completing a project or phase, team members meet to reflect on experiences, discuss what went well, and identify areas for improvement.

Review Meeting: Existing content, documents, or processes are reviewed to make improvements or adjustments.

Kick-off Meeting: Marks the official start of a project or initiative. Goals, roles, and expectations are established.

Informational Meeting: Information is shared or updated without extensive discussions or decisions.

Crisis Meeting: Quickly convened to respond to an unexpected crisis or problem. The goal is rapid problem-solving.

Debriefing Meeting: Team members meet to discuss, analyze, and learn from the experiences after a project or event.

Jour Fixe: Regular, recurring meetings at a set time to discuss current developments and promote information exchange.

Negotiation Meeting: Involves negotiations to reach agreements or resolve conflicts.

Sprint Review Meeting: In agile development environments, a meeting held at the end of a development cycle to review completed tasks and receive feedback.

Town Hall Meeting: Executives communicate with the entire workforce to share strategic information, celebrate successes, and answer questions.

Hybrid Meeting: A combination of physical presence and virtual participation, where some participants are present in person, and others join remotely.

Interview Meeting: Involves conducting interviews with job applicants for positions within a company.

Sales Meeting: Sales representatives discuss strategies, set sales goals, and analyze sales results.

This list is not exhaustive, as meetings can take various forms depending on the industry, organization, and purpose. It's crucial to carefully plan the type of meeting based on goals and the nature of the discussion.

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