
News / Blog: #vertrieb

More Sales = More Turnover? How to find the optimal Product Price

10/19/2022 | By: FDS

The question of the optimal product price for the own offer drives many founders and entrepreneurs around. If you do not have a comparable product or service, i.e. no direct competition, the price is not formed on the market by competition, but primarily through your pricing and thus according to your internal calculation.

When pricing, always keep in mind: The lower the price, the higher the probability that you will sell to problem customers. Because: You can never please customers with a cheap-is-hungry mentality.

Keep away customers who can't afford your products or services or don't value your time.

Generally, B2B prices must be higher than retail because the volume, i.e., the number of customers you can acquire in a month or year, is much lower.

Customers who look at three- or four-digit product prices with their "consumer glasses" quickly consider you overpriced or usurious and are quickly put off by them, but completely disregard the fact that the cost of acquiring a new B2B customer, the so-called customer acquisition cost, e.g. through high online marketing costs for advertisements or a telephone sales team is usually several hundred euros or dollars. At the same time, the number of potential customers is limited, but the number of competitors fighting for the potential deals is not.

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Who are our products & services aimed at?

09/02/2022 | By: FDS

Who are our products aimed at? Who is the target group of Fischer | Data Science.?

There are around 15,000 startups every month in Germany alone. All founders of new businesses & startups that have a supra-regional focus need, in addition to their own website for the optimal start into self-employment, tools that save them valuable time, e.g. for research, so that they can concentrate on their core work (i.e. product development, marketing/sales, PR/public relations). This is where our products come in.

In addition, more established companies and organizations such as foundations and associations or societies also have a constant need to maximize their media presence as well as data around for fundraising to achieve their goals.

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Make a career in sales - company car and earn five figures or be free?

08/27/2022 | By: FDS
It all depends on your personal goals and preferences. If you have a strong interest in sales and financial security and material rewards are important to you, a career in sales may be a good option. On the other hand, if you prefer more freedom and flexibility and greater control over your schedule, another path may be a better choice. Both can be very rewarding options, but it's important that you make the decision that best fits your goals and values.
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01/03/2022 | By: FDS

Our new marketing & sales solution, the german company database 2022 is now available in the shop at an introductory price starting at just €274, as well as in a bundle with our Media & PR database.

Do you have questions/comments/suggestions? Please use our contact form

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