
News / Blog: #tipps

What should be considered when starting a career?

09/14/2023 | By: FDS

There are some important things to consider when starting your career. Here are some tips that can help you:

Set career goals: Think about what long-term goals you want to achieve in your career. This can help you choose the right profession or industry and plan a clear path for your career development.

Internships and part-time jobs: Internships and part-time jobs can provide valuable experience and help you develop practical skills. Use these opportunities to expand your knowledge, network, and meet potential employers.

Optimize application materials: Create a well-structured resume and compelling cover letter that highlight your skills and experience. Tailor your application materials to the specific requirements of each position for which you are applying.

Network: Build contacts in your desired career field by attending career events, trade shows, or industry conferences. Make connections with people already working in the industry and learn about potential entry-level opportunities.

Continuing education: Keep up to date on current trends and developments in your career field. Continuing education, courses or certifications can enhance your expertise and make you more attractive to employers.

Develop soft skills: In addition to technical knowledge, soft skills are also important, such as communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving skills and time management. Work to improve these skills, as they are in demand in many careers.

Presentation and self-marketing: learn to present yourself confidently and present your skills and experience convincingly. Be authentic during interviews and prepare well to convince potential employers of your value.

Seek mentoring: Look for mentors who have experience in your career field. They can give you valuable advice, support you, and help you advance professionally.

Flexibility and willingness to learn: Be open to new challenges and show a willingness to keep learning. Starting a career is often the beginning of a lifelong learning journey, and the ability to adapt and develop new skills is critical.

Work-life balance: don't forget to pay attention to your work-life balance. A healthy work-life balance is important for long-term success and a fulfilling professional life.

These tips can help you create a successful career start. Remember that everyone.

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New ideas instead of stagnation - How to become more innovative through inverse thinking

09/14/2023 | By: FDS

Inverse Thinking as the key to creativity and innovation


At a time when technological progress is unstoppable and markets are constantly changing, innovativeness has become one of the most valuable attributes of companies and individuals. But how can innovative ideas be developed in a world full of established thought patterns and routines? One possible answer is Inverse Thinking. This method of thinking, which seems unconventional at first glance, opens up amazing ways to foster creativity and innovation.

Inverse Thinking Explained:

Inverse Thinking, also known as reverse thinking or "thinking backwards," is an approach in which you deliberately change your perspective and try to look at a problem from a completely opposite direction. Instead of focusing on the immediate goal, one imagines achieving the exact opposite. This shift in thinking can lead to surprising insights and produce previously undiscovered approaches to solving problems.

Why Inverse Thinking Works:

Our brains tend to think in familiar ways, drawing on patterns and experiences we already have. Inverse Thinking forces our thinking out of these familiar structures and opens up new neural connections. By imagining how something shouldn't be or what needs to be avoided, we force ourselves to take alternative perspectives.

Examples from the field:

Product innovation: imagine you want to develop a new smartphone. Instead of thinking about what new features could be added, ask yourself, "What would be the worst smartphone we could make?" This question may lead to insights about features that should be avoided, while also potentially providing innovative ideas for an improved product.

Process Optimization: Let's say you want to improve the efficiency of your workflow. Instead of thinking about how you could save time, ask yourself, "How could we make work processes as complex and inefficient as possible?" This inverse thinking could reveal weaknesses in current processes and lead to innovative solutions.

Challenges and tips:

Inverse thinking requires a conscious effort because it goes against our usual thinking patterns. Here are some tips to effectively apply this method:

Open-mindedness: Be willing to challenge conventional thinking and embrace new ideas. Ask questions: Deliberately formulate questions that explore the opposite of what you want. Evaluate ideas: examine the results of inverse thinking for their practicality and innovation potential. Combine with other methods:

Combine Inverse Thinking with other creative techniques to realize the full potential of your idea development process.


In an age where innovation is the key to success, Inverse Thinking offers a refreshing way to foster creative thinking patterns and generate new ideas. By deliberately putting ourselves in the opposite of our goals, we can discover unexpected solutions that move us forward on the path to breakthrough innovation. So, why not think differently and discover the potential of Inverse Thinking for yourself?

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More content and substance: How to create high-quality content for your website and social media channels quickly, easily and cheaply

09/13/2023 | By: FDS

The digital landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, and high-quality content has become a critical element in building and sustaining online presence. Whether for corporate websites or social media channels, content is the fuel that drives online marketing. But how can you create high-quality content quickly, easily and cost-effectively?

1. The Art of Planning

The first step toward high-quality content is thoughtful planning. Set clear goals: What do you want to achieve with your content? Who is your target audience? What message do you want to convey? A well-thought-out strategy will not only help you stay focused, but also produce imaginative and relevant content.

2. Leverage existing resources

Often, valuable resources that could serve as content already lie dormant in the depths of your company or organization. Employee expertise, internal training, case studies or even customer feedback can serve as a source of inspiration. By reusing existing information, you not only save time, but also rely on authentic and credible content.

3. Variety of formats

Your content doesn't always have to consist of pure text. Use different formats to get your message across. Infographics, videos, podcasts, interactive graphics, or even live streams can engage your audience in a variety of ways. Tools and platforms such as Canva, Adobe Spark, and even smartphone apps allow you to create engaging visual content without the need to hire expensive design agencies.

4. Incorporate user-generated content

Your customers and followers can be a rich source of content. Go for user-generated content by sharing customer reviews, pictures of users or their testimonials. Not only does this engage with your community, but it also creates an authentic connection with your customers.

5. Use outsourcing and freelancers

If your resources are limited, don't be afraid to enlist outside help. Freelancers and content writers can deliver high-quality custom content without you having to hire an entire team. Platforms like Upwork or Freelancer allow you to find the right expert for your needs.

6. Curate and share content

Content creation doesn't always mean starting from scratch. The art of curation, collecting and sharing relevant content from other sources, can be just as valuable. Share articles, news or opinion from your industry and add your own value by contextualizing and commenting.

7. Continuity and Consistency

High-quality content is not a one-time project, but a continuous process. Make sure you produce and share new content regularly. Consistency is key to engaging your audience and building a loyal following

In today's digital era, high-quality content is the glue that connects brands and organizations with their audiences. By taking these tips to heart - from strategic planning to consistent execution - you can create high-quality content that strengthens your online presence without blowing your budget.

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How to optimize press releases for different social media?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

When it comes to optimizing press releases for various social media, there are some important points to keep in mind. Here are some tips that can help:

Shorten the text: On social media, attention spans are often very short. Therefore, try to keep the text of your press release concise and to the point. Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easier for readers to grasp the content.

Add an appealing title: a good title is crucial to catch readers' attention. Use short, punchy, and compelling headlines that pique readers' interest.

Use hashtags: Hashtags help make your press release more accessible to a wider audience. Research relevant hashtags that are popular in your field and include them in your posts. This will increase the visibility of your release and make it easier for users to find the content.

Use visual elements: Images, videos or infographics can help make your press release visually appealing. Visuals attract users' attention and make your post more interesting.

Tailor the content to the platform: Each social media platform has its own features and specifics. Adapt your press release to the particular platform you want to share it on. For example, short, concise posts are in demand on Twitter, while longer texts may work better on Facebook.

Provide a clear call-to-action: Give readers clear instructions on what to do next. Whether it's to click a link, sign up, or leave a comment, make sure your call-to-action is clearly worded.

Consider the time zone and time of day: publish your press release at a time when your target audience is most active. Also consider the time zone where your main target audience is located.

Interact with readers: Track and respond to comments, likes and shares on your press release. Show interest in user feedback and use the opportunity to build a relationship.

Analyze performance: use social media analytics data to see how well your press release performed. Identify what content performed best and use these insights to improve future releases.

By following these tips, you can optimize your press releases for different social media and spread your message more effectively.

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How to recognize fake stores & online shops on the Internet

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, online shopping and e-commerce have undoubtedly revolutionized our consumer behavior. But with the rise of online commerce, fraudulent activities such as fake stores have also become a serious threat to consumers. These enticing but fraudulent websites lure unsuspecting shoppers with supposed bargains and high-value products that are often never delivered. So how can consumers distinguish between genuine online stores and scams? Here are some important tips for spotting fake stores online and protecting yourself from fraud.

1. Check the URL and website details

The first step to identify a fake store is to carefully check the website address (URL). Scammers often use similar-sounding URLs to mimic real online stores. Look for typos, unusual subdomains or extra words in the URL. A secure website should also have a "https://" instead of "http://" to ensure data encryption.

2. Research the online store

Conduct a thorough online research to find out if the online store is reputable. Look for reviews, customer ratings and experiences of other buyers. Authentic stores usually have an online presence on social media and platforms like Google My Business. If any trace of a store outside its own website is missing, beware.

3. Watch out for unusual payment methods

Fake stores tend to offer unusual or questionable payment methods. Be skeptical if only bank transfers, cash shipments or prepaid cards are accepted. Reputable online stores offer a wide range of secure payment options, including credit cards, PayPal and other established service providers.

4. Too good to be true? Be skeptical!

Offers that are too good to be true are often just that. When an online store offers extremely low prices for products that are normally much more expensive, alarm bells should ring. Scammers use this tactic to grab buyers' attention and lure them into the trap.

5. Check the imprint and contact information

Every reputable online store should have an imprint with clear contact information. If this information is missing or the contact information is vague and incomplete, it indicates a possible fake store. Verify the information provided by doing a quick online search for the company or people responsible.

6. Trust your instincts

In the end, your gut instinct is often a good indicator. If something about an online store strikes you as odd, or if you have an uneasy feeling, it's probably better to back off and shop elsewhere.

The rapid increase in fake stores requires consumers to be highly vigilant. By following these tips and being discerning about their online purchases, they can protect themselves from fraudulent activity and ensure that they spend their hard-earned money with trustworthy merchants.

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