
News / Blog: #tipps

Jobs in PR/Public Relations - Tips on finding a job and choosing the right employer

10/27/2023 | By: FDS

The world of public relations (PR) and public relations offers a wide range of exciting career opportunities for creative and communicative people. If you are interested in a career in this field or are already working in PR and want to change employers, here are some valuable tips on how to find a job and choose the right employer.

1. Be clear about your career goals:

Before you start your job search, you should be clear about what your goals are in your PR career. What specific aspects of PR excite you the most? Is it media relations, crisis communication, corporate social responsibility (CSR) or another niche? Your clear career goals will help you to look for job opportunities in a more targeted way.

2. Build and maintain network:

Relationships are crucial in the PR industry. Build your professional network by attending PR events, conferences and networking events. Cultivate contacts with colleagues, superiors and industry experts. Personal relationships can help you not only in your job search, but also in your professional development.

3. Update your portfolio:

Your portfolio is your business card. Make sure it contains your best PR work and projects. Show how you develop stories, cultivate media contacts and implement successful PR campaigns. A compelling portfolio will impress employers.

4. Research potential employers:

Thorough research of potential employers is crucial. Investigate the PR agency or company you want to apply to. Find out more about their clients, projects, culture and reputation. Online reviews and conversations with current or former employees can provide valuable insights.

5. Tailor applications:

Each application should be tailored to the specific requirements of the job and the company. Emphasise your skills and experience that match the advertised position. Be specific and demonstrate how you can contribute to solving the company's PR challenges.

6. Prepare for interviews:

Prepare thoroughly for interviews by deepening your knowledge about the company and the position. Think about possible questions and practise your answers. Demonstrate your skills in communication and your passion for PR.

7. Ask for references:

If you are shortlisted, don't be afraid to ask for references. This can give your potential employer confidence in your abilities.

8. Match the company culture:

The company culture is crucial to your satisfaction and success in a company. Consider whether the company's culture fits your personality and way of working. A good fit is often as important as the job itself.

Summary: Find your dream job in PR/public relations

Public relations offers exciting career opportunities for talented communicators. With careful planning, preparation and a strong professional network, you can find your dream job in PR/public relations. Remember that choosing the right employer is just as important as the position itself, and make sure you feel comfortable in the company culture. With these tips, you'll be well equipped to advance your career in this exciting field.

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How to work successfully with journalists?

10/26/2023 | By: FDS

Successful collaboration with journalists requires careful planning, communication and an effective approach. Here are some tips on how to work successfully with journalists:

Research and Selection: Identify the journalists relevant to your topic. Familiarize yourself with their work and choose those who regularly write about similar topics.

Target Audience: Understand the journalist's target audience. Take their interests and needs into account in order to align your cooperation with them.

Build personal relationships: Invest time in building personal relationships with journalists. Attend networking events, attend press conferences or invite journalists to informal meetings to get to know each other.

Provide relevant information: Provide journalists with relevant and interesting information. Make sure that these are well researched, clearly structured and understandable. Provide additional material such as statistics, case studies, or expert interviews to support the article.

Communicate Clearly and Concisely: Make sure your message is conveyed clearly and concisely. Avoid technical jargon and explain complex issues in an understandable way. Respond to journalists' inquiries in a timely manner and give them the information they need.

Be authentic: Be open, honest and transparent. Journalists appreciate being able to work with credible sources. Avoid PR talk and overblown marketing messages.

Offer exclusive content: Offer journalists exclusive information, interviews or insights to grab their attention. This can increase the likelihood that they will cover your topic.

Cultivate relationships of trust: Cultivate long-term relationships with journalists. Show interest in their work, send them relevant information, and thank them for their coverage. A trusting relationship can help journalists prioritize your news and have a positive attitude towards you.

Response to Inquiries: Be ready to respond to journalists' inquiries quickly. Journalists often work under time pressure, so timely feedback is important to facilitate their work and encourage collaboration.

Leverage press releases and media outreach: Send press releases to journalists to share important announcements or news. Also build relationships with media contacts, such as press offices or PR agencies, who can assist journalists with reporting.

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On the trail of fake news: How to recognise false reports

10/26/2023 | By: FDS

The spread of fake news has become a growing challenge for society. Fake news and disinformation can not only undermine trust in the media, but also cause significant harm. In this article, we will share with you some valuable tips and strategies on how to spot Fake News to ensure a sound and factual information base.

1. Check the source

Verifying the source is the first and most important step in identifying Fake News. Make sure the news comes from a trusted news organisation or reputable source. Unknown or questionable sources should be treated with caution.

2. Check the URL

Fake news propagators often create websites that resemble real news sources but have subtle differences in the URL. Check the web address carefully for discrepancies or unusual letter combinations that could indicate a fake site

3. Check the date

Sometimes old messages are reused or repackaged to appear current. Check the date the message was published to make sure it is relevant. If a news item is out of date, it could be a hoax.

4. Compare with other sources

To check the credibility of a news item, compare it with reporting in other trusted sources. If a news item is not corroborated by any other reputable source, you should be sceptical.

5. Look out for misspellings and unusual formatting

False reports often have spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or unusual formatting. These can be clues that the message is not from a professional news organisation.

6. Check the pictures and videos

Manipulated images and videos are a common feature of Fake News. Check the origin of images and videos by using reverse image searches or video reverse searches in search engines

7. Challenge your own biases

People tend to believe messages that match their own beliefs. Be aware of your own biases and be prepared to critically question news, regardless of your political or personal views.

8. Be wary of sensationalist headlines

Headlines that sound extreme or sensational should be treated with caution. They may aim to grab your attention without paying attention to the accuracy of the information.

9. Verify information with fact-checkers

There are fact-checking organisations such as Snopes, and PolitiFact that specialise in checking false news. Use these resources to check information.

The ability to spot Fake News is critical to making well-informed decisions and curbing the spread of disinformation. By applying these tips and developing a critical mindset towards news, you can help curb the spread of fake news and improve the quality of information you consume.

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How to recognise fake providers on the internet

10/23/2023 | By: FDS

Digitalisation has fundamentally changed shopping and the service provider landscape. While the internet offers a wealth of opportunities, it also poses risks in the form of fake providers targeting unsuspecting consumers. In this article, you will learn how to spot fake providers and protect yourself from fraudulent schemes.

1. Check the website address (URL):

The URL of a website can already provide the first clues to its legitimacy. Look out for spelling mistakes or unusual deviations from known domain names. Fake providers often use slightly altered or similar domain names to cause confusion.

2. Research the provider:

Use search engines to find information about the provider. Reputable companies usually have an online presence and are listed in business directories or on social media. If any online trace is missing or there is little information, you should be cautious.

3. Check contact information:

A reliable contact information is a must. Check the contact details provided, such as phone number and address. Missing or incomplete contact information is an alarm signal.

4. Look for customer ratings and reviews:

Search for independent customer ratings and reviews of the provider. Platforms such as Google Reviews, Trustpilot or Yelp can offer helpful insights. However, be sceptical here too, as fake reviews can go both ways.

5. Pay attention to payment methods:

Serious providers often offer established and trustworthy payment methods. Be wary if you are offered only unusual or untraceable payment options.

6. Distrust unrealistic offers:

If an offer seems too good to be true, it may be just that. Fake sellers often lure you in with extremely low prices or unrealistic promises. Remain sceptical and research thoroughly before engaging with such offers.

7. Pay attention to grammar and writing style:

Look out for spelling mistakes and unusual wording on the website or in emails. Serious companies value professional communication.

8. Use secure connections:

When you shop online, make sure the website uses a secure connection. You can tell by "https://" in the URL and a lock icon in the browser address bar.

Conclusion: Caution is the key

The internet offers many advantages, but also some risks. To protect yourself from fake providers, caution and thorough research is crucial. If something seems too good to be true, it often is not. Trust your instincts and use the tips above to spot fake sellers and protect yourself from potential scams. Your wealth and security are at stake, so be vigilant.

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Jobs in marketing - Tips on finding a job and choosing the right employer

10/20/2023 | By: FDS

The marketing industry offers a variety of exciting career opportunities, from content marketing to market research. If you're looking to dive into the world of marketing or advance your career, here are some valuable tips for finding a job and choosing the right employer.

1. Be clear about your goals and interests:

Before you embark on your job search, be clear about what aspects of marketing interest you most and what your career goals are. This could include working in digital marketing, product management, market research or advertising. The clearer your goals are, the easier it will be to choose the right job opportunities.

2. Update your profile:

Your CV and LinkedIn profile are your business card. Make sure they are up to date and highlight your relevant skills and experience. Think of them as your personal brand and showcase what makes you valuable to potential employers.

3. Research employers:

Take time to research potential employers. Find out more about their company culture, values and way of working. Consider whether they match your career goals and values. Online reviews and conversations with current or former employees can provide valuable insights.

4. Use networks:

Contacts in the marketing industry are valuable. Build your professional network by attending industry events, conferences and online networking. Personal connections can help you not only in your job search but also in your career development.

5. Practical experience:

Practical experience is crucial. If you are new to marketing, consider internships, freelance work or projects to develop your skills and build your portfolio. Even if you already have experience, hands-on projects can increase your chances of getting hired.

6. Tailor your applications:

Each application should be adapted to the specific requirements of the job. In your cover letter and CV, emphasise how your skills and experience match the advertised position. Be specific and show how you can add value to the company:

7. Interview preparation:

Prepare for interviews by deepening your knowledge of the company and the position. Think about possible questions and practise your answers. Show your enthusiasm for the job and the industry.

8. Ask for feedback:

If you receive rejections, ask for constructive feedback. This can help you improve your application strategy and identify areas that you need to develop further.

Summary: Find your dream job in marketing

Job hunting in marketing can be an exciting journey that gives you the opportunity to use your passion and talent for creative and strategic work. Use these tips to find the right job opportunities and select the ideal employer for your career ambitions. With the right preparation and determination, you can make your dream job in marketing a reality.

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