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Structure of a press release - This is how it should be structured

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

A press release should generally have the following structure:

Headline: The headline should be concise and meaningful and should pique the reader's interest.

Lead: The lead is the first paragraph of the press release and should summarize the most important information in a short, concise sentence.

Body: The body of the press release should present more details and background information about the topic of the press release. You can also include quotes from relevant people here to support your statements.

Closing: The closing of the press release should include a call-to-action, such as a request to contact you or a reference to further information.

Contact information: The end of the press release should include contact information for further information and interview requests.

Publication date: Also include the date when the press release may be published.

Dissemination method: You should also indicate how the press release may be distributed.

It is important that the press release is clearly structured and that the most important information is at the beginning. A well-structured and understandably written press release can help journalists pick up your story and report on it.

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Writing a press release - How to make it work

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

If you want to write a press release, you should follow these steps:

Define target audience: Think about who your target audience is and what interest they might have in your topic.

Formulate core message: Summarize the most important message of your press release in one short sentence. This core message should be repeated throughout the rest of the press release.

Create structure: A press release consists of a headline, a lead, the main body and contact information. Structure your press release accordingly and make sure you include all the important information.

Use understandable language: Write in clear and understandable language that can be understood by non-specialists.

Present facts: Present facts and figures to support your message.

Use quotes: Use quotes from relevant people to reinforce what you are saying.

Formulate call-to-action: Conclude your press release with a clear call-to-action, such as a request to contact you or a reference to more information.

Proofread: Have at least one person proofread your press release to avoid spelling and grammatical errors.

Mailing: Send your press release to relevant media outlets, making sure to include the distribution method and publication date.

A well-written and structured press release can help ensure that your message is picked up and disseminated by relevant media.

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Press release template - What it must contain

03/09/2023 | By: FDS

Press releases are an important tool for disseminating information to the media. A good press release should contain the following elements:

A meaningful headline: The headline should be short and concise and summarize the topic of the press release.

A meaningful lead: The first paragraph should contain the most important information and make the reader curious to read on.

Background information: The body of the press release should present more details and background information about the press release topic.

Quotes: One or more quotes from relevant people can add credibility to the press release and appeal to the reader emotionally.

Contact information: Contact information should be provided at the end of the press release for further information and interview requests.

Indication of publication date: The end of the press release should also indicate the date when the press release may be published.

Dissemination method: You should also indicate how the press release may be disseminated.

A well-structured and understandably written press release can help journalists pick up your story and report on it.

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What is a press folder?

03/07/2023 | By: FDS

A press kit (also called a press folder) is a collection of information, materials, and documents provided by companies, organizations, or individuals for journalists and media representatives to inform them about a specific event, product, or topic. A press kit can be provided as a physical or digital folder and usually contains various materials such as press releases, background information, photos, videos, infographics, biographies, testimonials, quotes from experts, and contact information.

The information and materials in the press kit are designed to make it easier for journalists and media representatives to cover the event, product or topic and to quickly find the information they need. A well-designed press kit can help increase visibility and coverage, and increase media exposure and interest. A press kit is often created in advance of press conferences, trade shows, events or important announcements and distributed to journalists and media representatives.

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How to maximize the likelihood of your press release making the news

03/07/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some tips to maximize the likelihood of your press release making the news:

Target your audience: write your press release in a way that is tailored to the interests of your target audience. Make sure the news and information you provide is relevant and interesting.

A clear and concise message: your press release should convey a clear and concise message that is easy to understand. It should not include unnecessary details or information that distracts from the core of your message.

An engaging headline: The headline of your press release is critical to attracting media attention. Make sure it is concise and compelling to get readers to read your press release.

Use quotes and experts: quotes and experts can help make your press release more credible and make it more interesting. If you quote experts, make sure they are relevant and well-known.

Consider the news situation: try to relate your press release to current news and events to generate media interest. If your press release provides relevant information on a current topic, it is more likely to be published.

Targeted distribution: send your press release only to relevant media that might be interested in your message. Targeted distribution increases the likelihood that your press release will be published.

Multimedia content: Add images, videos or infographics to your press release to make it more interesting. This additional content can help grab readers' attention and increase the likelihood that your press release will make the news.

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