
News / Blog: #experten

Create high-quality content without much effort - We show you how it's done

02/01/2024 | By: FDS

High-quality content is one of the most important elements of any successful marketing campaign. But how do you create high-quality content as efficiently as possible without spending a lot of effort?

1. Leverage the power of scale and automation. Automation allows you to create and distribute content in a short amount of time. Use tools like Hootsuite to publish and distribute your content on multiple platforms at once.

2. Rely on repurposing. Repurposing means that you reuse existing content and turn it into new formats. This will save you a lot of time and effort in creating new content.

3. Be creative. Creativity is the key word when it comes to high-quality content. Think about new ideas that you can incorporate into your content. Use different media formats like videos, infographics or podcasts to make your content more interesting.

4. Incorporate expert opinions. Expert opinions are a great way to create high-quality content. Solicit experts to talk about different topics and give your readers a fresh perspective.

5. Use social media. Social media is a great tool to distribute content quickly and efficiently. Use different platforms like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to publish and share your content.

With these tips, you can create and distribute high-quality content without much effort. Use scaling and automation, repurposing, creative ideas, expert opinions, and social media to distribute and market your content.

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B2B Sales - How to win more customers

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Define your target customers: First, it's important to define your target customers in terms of their industry, size, region, and other characteristics. This will help you better focus on those customers who will benefit the most from your product or service.

2. Create a strong brand: By building a strong brand, you can stand out from the competition. Invest in designing a professional logo, a memorable website and other marketing activities to make your brand known.

3. Use social media: social media is an effective way to connect with your customers and keep them updated on news and offers. Create a presence on the major platforms and use them to connect with your customers.

4. Focus on customer service: B2B customers are interested in quality customer service that provides quick answers and solutions to problems. Invest in a good customer service team and make sure they respond to all inquiries quickly and professionally.

5. Build a network: By building a network of industry leaders, experts and other relevant people, you can promote your brand and expand your customer base. Create a list of potential contacts and build these relationships by keeping them informed and sending them information about your products and services on a regular basis.

6. Make use of inbound marketing: Inbound marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract new customers. Create interesting content such as blogs, whitepapers, videos and infographics to drive visitors to your website and get them to sign up for your newsletter.

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Advised and sold - Why self-proclaimed experts and coaches will run you down

01/05/2024 | By: FDS

There are many self-proclaimed experts and coaches who try to run people through advice and sales. These individuals often offer a variety of services designed to help people achieve their goals. These services range from financial advice to personal development to career counseling. They promise that their services will help people improve their lives, but it is important to note that many of these "experts" do not have the qualifications or knowledge to actually help.

Experts and coaches are mainly trying to make money by giving advice and selling, rather than giving truly useful information. They may try to get people to buy a product or service they don't really need through a sales pitch. They may also try to get people to spend more money than they actually can to get a particular service or product. This type of "advising" can be harmful, as it does not help people achieve their goals, but instead entices them to pay more than they actually can.

It is therefore important to carefully check if the services from an expert or coach are really useful. One should always do an in-depth research before considering any consultation or sale. Pay attention to the qualifications of the expert and make sure that they have experience and knowledge to really help you achieve your goals. This way, you can ensure that you don't fall victim to a scam.

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How Founder & start-ups get into the media

12/20/2023 | By: FDS
Founders and startups can get into the media by making an effort to be visible in the public eye. They can share their story on social media and build a strong presence. They can also write in trade magazines, podcasts and blogs to present themselves as experts in their field. They can also reach out to media outlets to cover their ideas and businesses. Networking with journalists and bloggers is also helpful.
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Where do you earn 5000 Euro net or more?

12/13/2023 | By: FDS

There are many ways to earn 5000 euros net or more. Some examples are:

- Managers, directors or executives in large companies

- Experienced engineers or technical experts

- Successful freelancers such as programmers and designers

- Sales representatives and salesmen in the automotive industry

- Bankers and financial experts

- Lawyers and tax consultants

- Doctors and other medical professionals

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